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You weren't a popular kid around your school or ever wanted to be one

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You weren't a popular kid around your school or ever wanted to be one.

You heard they were all jerks and idiots who mess around and act like their cool.

You never idolized any of them whatsoever and never planned on it.

Though you weren't popular but you were pretty and had a few friends.

"Hey Y/n!" Your friend Samantha calls.

You stopped daydreaming and went back to reality.

You looked to see who was calling you.

It was Samantha, Your childhood friend.

She was running to your seat which was in the back of the class while waving and shouting your name.

"Oh hey, Whats up?" You answer.

"Do you wanna hangout with the group later? We're going to the club!" She says.

"Club? Are you going to get drunk or something. I mean you always act like you are." You say as you sighed.

"Hey! That's not nice! Anyway, You coming or not?" She asks.

"Sorry, I'll pass. I have a test to study for later and I won't think my brother would allow me to go anyway. You reply.

"Whaat! You always pass. Are you really studying or do you just not wanna go?!" She says.

"Damn. You caught up to me. Yup! I don't wanna go." You say back.

"Alright alright I wont pressure you! Well see you later I'll go ask Hina and Emma! Byee!" She says as she waves goodbye to you.

"Alright, Bye." You wave back.

She runs aways skipping down the hall.

You sighed as you looked out the window.

You glared at the view outside and saw a bunch of people player soccer on the field.

One of them were the popular kids.

Chifuyu was his name. Right?

You never interacted with him. You both just had a lot of classes together.

He never even wanted to look at you or chat with you but you really didn't care. You just wanted to go home.

What you didn't realize was that you've been staring at him for too long.

You then felt his eyes staring back at you.


He can see you from the window?!

You quickly took your gaze somewhere else to avoid eye contact with him.

The bell suddenly rung signaling that it was time to go to next class.

You had to head to the library and you actually liked it there.

You had peace and quietness there.

You took your bag and placed your books inside and slid the door open and headed to your next class.

As you were walking down the stairs your eyes met another one.

The same one from when you were looking out the window.

It was Chifuyu.

"Hey. Don't you think your staring for too long? Am I that beautiful or what?!" He angrily says startling you.

"Yes." You answer.

That quickly made him blush while looking away.

"Shut up.." He says.

You laughed a little at his reaction.

The lovely moment ended because one of his friends catched up behind him making him go up the stairs away from you.

You stared at them going up the stairs before they had completely disappeared from your sight.

You sighed and continue walking down the stairs to the library.

You finally made it to the library and sat on the floor leaning against a wall reading one of your favorite books that you haven't got to finish.

You were focusing on the book when someone shouts your name in the library.

You quickly stood up to see who was calling you.

It was Takemichi, A friend you recently made.

"Takemichi! I'm here! Stop shouting!" You hush him.

"Sorry sorry! Anyway, I made a new friend! You wanna meet him?" He asks.

"A him? Guess its a guy. Sure!" You say.

He then grabs your wrist and drags you out the library.

He then brings you to another classroom and there you saw him.

The same guy you caught staring at you from outside and in the stairwell.

You both stare at eachother in shock without saying anything.

"Is there something wrong? Do you both know eachother?" Takemichi asks.

"Shes just one of those loners no one talks to." Chifuyu says in an annoyed tone.

You scoffed at what he said.

"Uhh... Well! Please be friends with eachother and be nice to one another! Please?!" Takemichi then falls to the ground and starts begging.

You both laughed at what he was doing.

You thought he looked like an absolute idiot.

"Get up Takemichi, You're causing a scene!" You say.

"Ok. I guess we can be friends. But don't get in my way you nerd." Chifuyu says.


"Ok fine. What about loner?" He says before laughing.

"That's even worse, What about...Hmm... THE BEST OF THE BEST!" You proudly say.

"Definitely not calling you that. He answers.

"Awhh man.." You say.

"Alright, It's decided, From now on! I'll call you Idiot! Good nickname right?!" He says proudly.

"No. What about I call you rooster head? Considering how ugly your hair looks." You say.

You all start laughing including Takemichi.

The bell suddenly rung. Meaning it was now lunch time.

You both walked down the stairs heading to the Cafeteria.


I really hope you liked this chapter!!

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