The Declaration

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The Declaration of Revolution.

To whom it concerns . . .

If you are reading this then you are either an agent of the corporate police and therefore a servant of your masters in the Corporatocracy and most importantly a traitor to your fellow people, or you are a lost citizen who is sympathetic to our and indeed 'your' cause of absolute freedom and liberty. If you are one of the latter we firmly welcome you to our movement and to the fight. The answers you seek are contained within and although by reading this you are surely breaking one of 'their' many unjust laws, we assure you that it is only by reading it and therefore by breaking their laws will you ever be able to break free from the chains that from birth, they have deliberately and with extreme prejudice imposed upon you.

If however you are one of the former, well then we very much welcome you to go fuck yourself. This is the resistance and your days are very much numbered.

The first step to understanding what side you are on, is self evaluation. That is to say, that you should look at what you have and what you have not. And just to clarify, when we say have and have not, we do not mean your useless physical possessions, or how much fictional digits are in or are not in your make believe bank account or that how if you have enough digits, you are then free to buy whatever their latest state advertisement/brainwashing has sold you. These things are not freedoms. These things are no more than the very walls of their vast corporate prison.

What we truly mean is, that when you wake up in the mornings, do you know for sure that throughout the day, from dawn to dusk, you are guaranteed your right to freedom of expression, freedom of opinion and freedom of speech and are your guaranteed these simple basic human rights without fear of either interference and or retribution?

Do you have the freedom to eat so you don't starve? The freedom to drink so you don't thirst? The freedom to have shelter so that you don't die in the cold? Do you have the freedom to make a living so that you can get by in the vicious system that they brutally enforce upon you? The answer to all of these things is of course that you do not! You are a slave to their desires and subject at all times to their influence and their absolute control.

We offer you a different way. A new way. We offer you the chance to wake up. The chance to control your own destiny and at the very least the chance to decide your own thoughts. Few of us are alive today that remember the freedoms that we once had together as a people. Few remember the time that people came before profit! The time when entertainment was art. The time when books and moves were not banned and went uncensored and told stories that mattered and challenged society. Few remember even the concept of society.

Few remember the time when the police did not harass and constrain their citizens but served and protected them. Few remember the time when instead of a corporate mouth piece there was a free media and journalists with integrity. Few remember the time when governments were elected of the people, by the people and for the people.

Few remember . . . but we few who do will before long, be many and when we are many, rest assured that every pillar of this unjust and unfair corporate world will tumble and tumble and crumble . . . the people are awakening from their slumber and when they do we will be a legion of an immeasurable number.

We are coming. The question I ask each of you is, are you with us or against us?

- Captain Anonymous

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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