Stopping a tragedy

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Whiskeys pov:

Me and five are sitting in a coffee shop that we used to go to all the time he ordered black coffee while i ordered strawberry milkshake Which was newts favourite.

Five was making conversation with the man next to us wanting a location but I was zoned out not really listening

The man left and we were sitting in silence until I look in the bell on the table "five we have company" I say five replies with "huh didn't think they'd find me that quick" "ok let's all just get up slowly and we won't shoot" "five wanna blow this Popsical stand"

Five spacial jumps and hits one of the men in the back of the head while I grab my belt and wrap it around one of there necks while five stabs someone with a pencil and snaps there neck.

They're all dead so we walk out while five has a knife and cuts his arm open and pulls out a tracker "five can you cut the back of my neck to get my tracker out" and he does

We go to vanyas place to explain about the apocalypse but she was too dumb to understand as five says so we're now back at the academy Alison sees us and says "what happened to yous" "nothing that we haven't did before"

Anyways that was three hours ago we're not currently sat outside a building watching it and five turns to me and asks "how are you doing after yano" "I'm doing ok he may of been my love but everyone dies I'll get over it" but secretly inside I'm dying because I miss him

Fives pov:

Whiskeys lying to me and I know she is I can hear her crying herself to sleep every night hoping newt will come back she's not slick when it comes to lying

Luther and klaus somehow get in the van so they come in and say "we need yous to come watch someone very important" "important you don't know the definition of important"

They end up leaving after arguing and after me and whiskey go towards the building "hi we need to see mr Biggs" "ok I'll send him up now" We are waiting and he comes up and I ask "can you give me the files of who this eye belongs to"

"We can't give out files as they are confidential where did you find it anyways" whiskey chirps in "we found it at a playground must've yano popped out"

Well he wasn't any help so to the library to drink our sorrows away.

Diego's pov:

There are men shooting the house down and they say they're looking for five but we don't even know where he is.

Klaus is missing but we need whiskey and five back so me and Luther set out to find them and we see they left a note on the van saying we're at the library if your looking is so that's where we head

We wandering about and we can't find them until we hear people talking about calling security but we go around to see the both black out drunk

So I lift whiskey and Luther lifts five and we are off

We're nearly at my home when five wakes up and Luther tells him you better not throw up on me but he does anyways I hide my laughter and then we hear whimpering almost crying I look down and see whiskey with tears down her face she's mumbling something like newt please no

We get to my place and five cuddles up to whiskey to calm her down them two are still so close but my landlord tells me that detective patch was looking me so I set off

Whiskeys POV:

I wake up in a strange room with Luther and five "where am I" "Diego's room in the gym" ok weird I hold on to my necklace and kiss it and sigh

Luther asks "whys  the necklace and and jacket so important whiskey" "it belonged to the boy I loved with all my heart who ended up dead but gave we these the necklace contains a letter from him"all he replied with was oh

Diego come back and screams at five I'm gonna kill you but I get infront of five with me machete that newt made me in the glade and point it at him "whoa feisty calm down" "NEVER call me feisty again" " ok ok"

They explain what happened back at the house and five replies with "hazel and cha cha best of the best but I'm better" which we do all know he's the better assassin he tells us how he ended up working for the handler

Cliffhanger what will happen next

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