Is she?

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"Come on, Stevie we will be late, we also have to meet your friend. What's his name? Um, yes Rave." Said Max in panic.

They were leaving for home, after a long holiday getaway in London. Stevie made a friend there, his name was Rave.

"Stevie , we are going to be , oh no, we are already late. What are you doing???"

"Coming , coming." She said in hurry.

They left their suite to the room Rave was staying in.

"Okay then, you stay here , outside , I'll be a minute." Instructs Stevie, Max does as told.

Rave was an old man, he could not walk , and had multiple other disabilities along side that.

"Yeah , oh how i am going to miss him" Says Stevie closing the hotel room door.

"Ste, you only knew him for said amount of time . And i hope you know, you have me to thank that we even were able to afford a holiday to London, the lottery , was won by....Me , so i thank me and you should too." Says Max in laughter.

"Yes , yes, thank you. Aren't we getting late now?" She says , very sarcastically. Just being the Scorpio that she is.

"Oh yes ma'am, okay , come on then."

They left for the train station  and very very , very late. Luck was surprisingly in their favor and the line for the passes was really short , unlike most times when you had to wait for hours. What was usually done in hours , here they got it done in minutes. Stevie was felling a little odd, she felt like throwing up, but just couldn't. She tried controlling it and succeeded  in doing so. They then boarded the train. Walking towards their seats, they saw that an old couple had taken it. Stevie smiled a little and Max did so as well. They both then went forward looking for empty seats  in the train.

"Come on, here, every where else is full." Says Stevie , giving their suitcases to Max one by one , as he kept them in the upper compartment.

"Yes okay, by the way , when the trolley comes by, what will you get?" Asked max.

"Probably a Turkey and cheese sandwich. Hey , I'll just use the washroom and be back really quick." Says Stevie , giving the last bag to Max. 

"okay, do not be too long, I  might eat your turkey sandwich." says Max in a slight laugh.

A few minutes go by, and Stevie still had not come back. The woman with the trolley had arrived .

"Anything form the trolley sweetie?"

"Oh yes, a Turkey and cheese sandwich, and chocolate brownie." He said.

"Here you go, that will be 12 euros." She says , handing him a big square brownie, and a packed Turkey and cheese sandwich.

"Thank you ,have a nice day."

"you too."

It was now 20 minutes since Stevie left and Max was genuinely concern for her. So he walked towards the lavatory which was near the 4th compartment of the train. As soon as he entered the second compartment , everyone herd a loud scream.  It was her, Stevie. Max easily recognized it.

"Oh my god!! Stevie , wait i'm coming."

He ran into the fourth compartment , everyone was standing from their seats.

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