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We kept the eye contact until he was tapped by someone...

Jiwoo's POV
When I meet those same eyes I forgot everything,i even forgot that I was at the college.This time I didn't break the eye contact until he was tapped by someone,I didn't got a clear look of his face and the person who tapped him as I was standing a little far away.

I got back to reality as he started moving from his place so I also decided to move from my place and then I saw my watch and it was now (8:05) I rushed towards the principal's office and took my timetable as the lecture starts at 8:15.I took my timetable and saw it and my first class was of economics,i remembered what byeol said to me "that I shouldn't be late in this professor's class as he gets angry with the students who comes late to his class,even a minute late".

I started rushing towards the direction of that class,as it was not that far away I just reached in time. I reached towards the door and stopped running and started panting,i thanked the god that the teacher was not in the class yet.I took a deep breath and started walking in the class to the back seat of the class (as I really don't like sitting in front).I got settled in my sit.

Aurthors POV
After a few seconds later the teacher came into the class and the students greeted him.The teacher was about to start but was distracted by the knock of the door and beside the door a boy was standing .The whole class looked at the door and then the teacher,who was boiling with anger but then the teacher tried to said with a calm expression that "he shouldn't be late for next time"and I was shocked from two thinks,First:that why didn't he said anything to him Second:why didn't the class looked shocked.While was in damn shock😳.
While I was busy in my thoughts,I saw that that boy came to sit beside me and was coming with a smirk on his face.I was confused and then decided to avoid eye contact with him,I don't know why but I just didn't wanted to made an eye contact with him.While the teacher was teaching that boy kept looking at me,I tried to look from the corners of my eyes.

Time skipped(4 classes later)
After the classes got over,finally it's was now time for lunch i started to walk towards the locker to keep my things I heard a loud thud a little far from my locker and it was none another...............

Time skipped(4 classes later)After the classes got over,finally it's was now time for lunch i started to walk towards the locker to keep my things I heard a loud thud a little far from my locker and it was none another

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I will try make it more interesting and 🥰
Try to make Jungkook PoV more
I hope u are enjoying the chapter 💜💜💜
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Her beautiful eyes {jeon jungkook}FFWhere stories live. Discover now