Chapter 1. 7 years later

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The child of D'neal was never found. To this day, the D'neal family is remembered, once a year, the day of their disappearance, everyone of the village lights lanterns, in rememberence of them. What the village didn't know, is that the D'neal child was alive. She was living underground, with the animals that adopted her and taught her to use her other senses to see. The D'neal child was dubbed many names; the missing child, the ghost of Lindenburg, Badger mole queen. But she took one name, this name was Xindra.

After 7 years, she returned to the village...

-Xindra's POV-

I walked through the town, wearing a cloth over my head, incase someone would recognise me. I could feel the footsteps of people walking past me. I walked up a hill, to an abandoned mansion. It almost looked haunted... Almost... I walked inside and looked around. Some of the furniture was missing from thieves and scavengers. My ears twitched as I heard something coming from behind one of the doors. I walked over to where the sound was coming from and opened the door... I walked through and could hear a whispering voice calling me into the basement. It sounded very whisp like, quiet but haunting. I followed the voice into the room to feel the floor, covered in rough wood and glass. I lifted my hood off my head and down my back. My hair was tied in a large bun on the back of my head, with my bangs covering my upper face. I stamped my foot onto the ground to see the room around me. I could see rats scurrying around the floor... I could also see someone, hiding in the corner. I walked over to the curled up figure and crouched down to their level. I lifted the hood off there face and cocked my head to the side. It was a boy.

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