Encounter under the golden light

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   It was an uneventful day, Venti received a package. It had a picture of him and his childhood friend. He smiled sweetly and walked down towards his room. He stood beside the doorframe with a clear mind. Staring peacefully towards the room that has light going through the orange dawn curtains he just putted up, laying down the folded comfy sheets that smelled like the usual laundry soap. He was in deep thought, he felt peaceful yet bittersweet with the loneliness he felt.

   He grabbed his phone, not knowing where he will swipe up to. He checked his messages and still no replies from his recent conversation, just the GC that he has always setted up on mute.

  He swiped to the left to check his stories and there it is, 3 hours ago. A story he putted up with him playing his flute, his luscious hair tied in twin braids swaying with the wind, looking so peaceful as the light reflected his pale unblemished skin.

  It was still 6 pm but he quickly fell asleep from the boredom.

"Ugh..." Venti grunted as his phone blows up from the missed calls and messages he received.

Venti picked up his phone. 12 am, it was midnight. His phone displayed the name "Hu Tao", who is one of his friends. Well, best friend if I must say, considering the fact that the two have mirroring personalities.

"What.." Venti asks as the person from the other line suddenly shouted. "BARBATOS, BARBATOS, BARBATOS, OMG". Barbatos, Venti’s biological name, although he prefers to go with "Venti". "Its 12 am Hu Tao", Venti says with a yawn. "THIS IS BIG NEWS VENTI, REMEMBER XIAO?".

"Xiao..." Venti's eyes widened in realization. He felt sad after hearing that name. "What about him?..", He asks in a sad tone. "Well... I saw him fighting with a girl in front of a fancy restaurant today—"

"Wait??? Why is he here? Didn't he move abroad after becoming a successful actor?", Venti is more confused by the fact that Xiao is here, shrugging off the fact that he's with a girl.

"Eh? Isn't that pretty normal? He's popular after all so ofcourse he would have tours and stuff". "Right..." Venti hesitately says. But Venti doesn't really care about Xiao anymore, despite the fact that he has a deep history with him. If he must say, he had even forgotten Xiao. Venti is contented with his situation. Despite the emptiness he felt as a 2nd year college student, he still has his friends. He chuckles at his thoughts.

"Venti? Are you there", Venti snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh yeah, hehehe. Anyways, why are you telling me this?". "Well, I mean, he's your ex crush. He rejected you back in last year High-school though. But you have us anyways, Don't worry! We love you!" Hu Tao states.

Venti laughs at those words but he felt warm and loved. The other line seemed to be just Hu Tao getting irritated at how Venti laughed at her. "Alright, See you tomorrow then. Bye Hu Tao", "Bye Venti!".

Venti couldn't sleep the whole night, he had a lot of questions.

Xiao... Venti had a crush on him. He and Xiao rarely came across each due to the fact that Xiao was always busy with his acting career. He came from a rich prestigious family after all. Venti was just a normal student who enjoyed social interactions. He was also passionate with music.
He would play nearby a huge tree every day. The tree where he first met Xiao in his 2nd year of High-school.

Venti was an extroverted person. He kept chasing Xiao. His friends always sighed at the state he was in. Xiao's face always showed up to be cold and intimidating. No one knows what is he thinking. Despite his cold personality, he still gained a lot of fans due to his handsome looks and professional acting. Not to mention, he's rich, so why not?

The day of their graduation came. They all celebrated in the morning  till night. Venti mustered up all the courage to confess to Xiao. Venti could feel his heartbeat. It was so loud. He felt a cold sweat as he looked down to the ground avoiding Xiao's gaze. Xiao was beautiful. He was wearing dark themed clothes for the night party. He was looking around as Venti finally broke the silence. "I like you Xiao..." I did it. I finally did it. Venti thought with his head all messed up. He was aware of how red and sweaty he was. He looked at Xiao who was under  the beautiful moonlit skies. Fireworks fired up in the sky, with large bangs interrupting Venti’s confession. He was wording a lot of things with cold and empty eyes. Ah, as I expected, Venti accepted the rejection. He accepted his fate. He couldn't  hear what he was saying but Xiao's beautiful cold eyes were all saying it. He looked up to the skies for a moment. He thought things wouldn't get worse but as he turned around, he just to saw an empty space. Xiao ran away. He ran away. His world stopped for a moment. He expected to get rejected but to get ran away from? His heart shattered. Intense emotion pierced through his chest.

Yawnnn... "Did you sleep late again?", the muscular man with red hair asked. "Was just in deep thoughts". The red haired man, Diluc, sighed as he then stated "Xiao came back". "Yeah, I know". They went silent for a moment. "How'd you know?". "Its on the news idiot" Diluc said, followed by Venti’s forced laugh.

The bell rang, the homeroom teacher then went in the classroom and the students' chattering went down. "Ok class, as you know, the end of this semester is nearly coming. Which means you have to pass all of your schoolworks by the end of the month. I will not give extra credits if you do fail this semester. That is all. I will give you all much more free time for you to work on your projects."

Venti sighed, he was at his usual spot. Nearby the blooming Cecilias under the huge tree. His friends were quite busy knowing its nearly end semester. He was eating lunch as he suddenly hears footsteps. "Hu Tao" he called out. He stood up only to be greeted by a shorter man, he was probably just an inch taller than him because of his hat. The man had dark hair with flowing green on the tips.

"Oh... hahaha... sorry. I thought you were my friend" he says awkwardly. The man gave no response. Despite the sunglass and mask, he could tell it was Xiao. What is he doing here, Venti then recalled all of their memories. He felt a stung on his chest. He felt so awkward, He wanted to tear up after recalling all those memories. But he had to hold back. "Well then, I've got to go. hahahaha Bye" Venti then quickly turned around to go on his way off, packing his things quickly. "Wait" Xiao says, lowering his mask. Venti felt uneasy, he swore he was over with Xiao already but he could hear his heart beat loudly. He forced himself to not get too nervous and get flustered.

"Um what is it?—" He asks. He looked at Xiao. Venti's teal eyes and Xiao's golden eyes locked onto each other. Venti looked at Xiao. Beautiful as ever. The sunlight reflecting on his beautiful golden eyes. He stood out with his seemingly expensive clothes. It felt like they were the only ones in this world. As the golden light shone upon them.

"XIAO!!", the call startled Venti. The two short men turned around to see a beautiful blue haired girl In a suit, she seemed to be Xiao's manager. They then noticed the flock of girls looking at their way. oh.. OHH Venti then realized what was happening and tried to slip out of the scene.

But before he could run off. Xiao pulled his wrist and dragged him somewhere farther.

We're probably in the alleyway behind the school, Venti thought. He was panting a lot. He broke into cold sweat. He then remembered Xiao. He looked at the other man covering his mouth as he looks around worriedly. "Why did you—" Before he could finish his sentence he got silenced by Xiao. Xiao's finger on his lips. Venti's cheecks then went red. I mean, who wouldn't? The alleyway was so narrow so their bodies were so close to each other.

"Shush, bare with me" Xiao said.

Author's Note:
I'm so sorry. I'm aware of how boring I deliver my stories. I don't really think I can upload regularly too. English isn't my first language either so I mightve made a lot of grammar mistakes. Thank you.

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