Chapter 2: Call

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Venti could hear Xiao's heavy breathing. It made his heard thump loudly. It felt like it echoed through out the alley. "Oh my Archons, oh my Archons..." Venti's braincells were fighting to death as he tries not to scream. He felt butterflies on his stomach as he looks at Xiao's face close up. His jaws were very sharp, his eyes were shining gold, and his beautiful green tipped hair brushing against Venti's face made Venti's heart skipped beats. "Okay let's go", Xiao says. Venti was very confused as to where was Xiao supposed to bring him. "I'm sorry for dragging you here. But my old friend asked me to bring you to him".

"Oh..." Venti mumbles. "Why did I even think I'll have a chance for the second time" he thinks followed by a chuckle. "Are you alright?" Xiao asks. "Oh nothing", "But how am I supposed to trust you on this one?" Venti asks with his arms crossed.

"Here", Xiao then reached out a business card.

"Rex Lapis..." he reads and thinks for a while. "OH! THAT BLOCKHEAD" Venti let's out a giggle as he pauses for a moment in realization. "Let's see..." Consultant at a 5-star hotel, I see. Venti thoughts to himself. "Taking your sweet time aren't ya?" Xiao says glaring at Venti, "Just come with me".

Xiao's cold and deep voice sent a shrivel down Venti's spine. Xiao... He didn't change at all... Still cold and intimidating. Thinking about it... didnt Hu Tao say that she saw Xiao fighting with another girl Infront of a restaurant? My curiosity is taking over me but sigh.. Its not like I have any right to ask him.

Rain suddenly poured so they hurriedly both got into the car where Xiao led Venti to. Both sitting at each other's ends.

"So, how are you doing?" Venti got startled and flinched to look at the other man on the left side of the car. Staring by the Window. Venti pouted at him hoping Xiao wouldn't notice at all. After leaving Venti in the middle of his confession he really dared to ask that. "Pretty well I guess", he responds.


Awkward silence filled the air. Venti was sweating nervously. "So umm.. I heard you have a new movie to be released." Venti states as he tries to break the silence between them.

"Yeah" Xiao responds. Still looking at the window.

Awkward silence.

"OH ARCHONS PLEASE SAVE ME" Venti cries internally. He sighs lightly in defeat. "Oh we're here"

Xiao got out of the car and quickly went around to open the door for Venti. Woah.. Even 3 years of my busking wouldn't let me be able to afford staying in here. He stares at the light filled hotel that he was about to enter.


"Oh! Sorry but can I pick this up for a moment?" Xiao sighs as he proceeds to say "Go. I'll wait for you". His eyes were intimidating as ever but since Venti got his permission, he just walks outside to pick up the call.


Venti came back inside after a good 10 minutes. His eyes were on the verge of tears. Xiao noticed. Although he was quite curious what was the call about. He chose not to question it. Its not like he's close to Venti after all. He had memories of Venti. They all felt bittersweet.

"We should go now." Xiao says trying to ignore Venti's teary eyes as it hurts him more looking at them. His beautiful teal eyes. Venti still looked beautiful trying to hold his tears but it hurted Xiao knowing Venti is definitely grieving.

"I'm really sorry Xiao but can we go visit your old friend next time. Something came up and...". "Go", Venti got startled at the response but he was relieved to hear those words. Xiao didn't question him any further and that made his feelings lighter. "Thank you..." Venti says followed by a smile.

Venti then quickly walked outside but oh, he doesn't have a ride. He would call for a taxi but it would take too long to arrive. "Need a ride?" Venti quickly turned around and got greeted with Xiao twirling his car keys around his finger.

"No no don't worry my house is just..." Venti felt like he was about to sneeze and there it goes "ACHOOO!!" Venti sniffled "I'm sorry about- a... ACHOOO!!" He quickly turned around and saw a white cat. Venti was deadly allergic to cats. He tried to run away but hurted his ankle in the PROCESS. "ACHOOO!!", "Shoo! Shoo!" Xiao was aware of Venti's allergies and quickly shooed the cat away.

"Ah... I'm sorry.." Venti says as he tries to stand up from the ground with his injured ankle. "Stay there. Let me carry you". "Ah! No! Don't worry about it!" Venti protests smiling as he acts like he's okay. He kept trying to stand up but he kept failing so. Xiao let out a heavy sigh. "Just let me carry you. You're embarrassing yourself."

Author's note:
This one's a a bit more shorter and lol. I tried this media featured thing

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