Chapter Three - My Prince Charming (...or so I thought.)

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Note: This chapter contains some sexual content (suitable for 18+).

"Try the fuchsia," Sarah suggested with a tilt of her head, staring back at our reflection. Her vanity desk was a hodgepodge of makeup, hair accessories, hair curlers, and used wads of tissue. "Your complexion would really suit it." I took her advice and carefully applied the lipstick to my pouty lips.

"You look hot," she squealed. "We'll need to peel the guys off you tonight."

I laughed out so loud, I snorted a little. "Never been a problem before," I told her studying my face; the dark smoky eyes framed with long curly lashes and big shiny pouty lips. My blond hair fell to my shoulders in big bouncy curls. I had to admit to myself - I did look pretty amazing.

"You don't think the dress is too much," I asked her, gazing down at the silky pink short hem of my dress; way shorter then I usually wear, and only one shouldered. Sarah and I had gone out shopping earlier that day and when we spotted it, Sarah insisted it was made for me. She said she couldn't pull it off because her boobs were too big, but she thought my C cups would settle just fine in that dress. Honestly, it was the sluttiest dress I'd ever owned.

I smiled up at her, glad to have her as a friend. "You did an amazing job."

"No problem," she said, squeezing my shoulder. "The boys will be flocking, you'll see."

The pub where we were meeting her boyfriend Michael and his buddy David was a traditional English style pub with a small dance floor. And as soon as we got there, I felt all eyes on me. Michael was an intellectual, very tall and attractive, with an androgynous beauty which perfectly suited his angular glasses. His friend was a shorter blond average looking guy. And when I say average, I mean I'm at a loss trying to describe him - there was nothing distinguishing about him - he was neither ugly nor attractive. But he certainly was shy - the guy could barely string two sentences together.

After attempting a conversation with him for a while, it hit me... this was a set-up. Sarah and Michael had planned this all out. It all made sense now - why Sarah was so adamant about turning me into a magazine cover. She knew I was kind of desperate for a boyfriend. She knew I wanted to lose my virginity. But c'mon. I wasn't that desperate.

I was livid. I crossed my arms and pouted. I attempted to shoot daggers at her - telepathically convey how pissed off I was with my eyes, but she was too busy chatting up people and being her usual social butterfly to notice.

That's when I saw him. He was standing in the distance nursing a beer, and his eyes were fixed on me. And they weren't going anywhere. His gaze didn't even shift politely - it just kept staring unabashedly, like he couldn't have cared less what I thought. I kept looking away, ill-at-ease, and then looking at him again - and there he was, still staring. He was gorgeous - he looked exactly like the boy pinned to my inspiration board, complete with the cozy sweater and baby blues. Those eyes - they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. And I was a goner.

He kept staring and he'd smile once in a while like he knew he was making me nervous; he seemed to enjoy making me squirm. And when I had had enough, and I set out to go to the ladies washroom, he bounded up to me and shot me a devilish smile. "Hey gorgeous," he said with the ease of a boy (no scratch that - not a boy... a man) who had done this a hundred times before.

"Hi," I said, my voice small, not quite knowing what to say as I watched him taking me in from head to toe, staring a little too long at my bare legs, biting his bottom lip - no subtlety, no discretion, no care in the world. This was a guy who knew what he wanted and wasn't ashamed about it. "I'm Jake," he told me as he flashed me another one of his amazing smiles. I observed at that point that not only did he look like the guy in the Tommy Hilfiger ad, but he could have possibly been even better looking.

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