Chapter 4

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A few days have passed since the attack of Death Eaters at the game.

As much as you loathed to come back for the term, you literally have no choice.

After the unpleasant conversation with your father back at the Malfoy manor, you decided it's best for you to leave the place since Draco, being the stubborn person he is, is still mad at you. You went back home and celebrated internally when you saw your father didn't bother to move back in.

What bothers you the most is how your Slytherin friends will handle you coming back. As stupid as it may sound, you decided to not tell meet them at the train ride to Hogwarts. You sat quietly alone in your compartment, reading the past lessons you missed because you skipped a year. Dumbledore agreed to give you an exam next year at January.

You changed your hair back to its original Y/H/C color with the help of Narcissa, since you still can't do magic outside of school grounds.

Let's just say that you made everyone at dinner gawk at you, being the last one to enter as you walk through the large doors. Dumbledore held you back to his office to discuss what happened to you and your exams.

The whole feast was uncomfortable. As you sit alone besides other unknown Slytherins. After Dumbledore's speech everyone went out to their common rooms but not before glancing at you.

You refused to look at the stares your friends are giving you while you sit still on your seat. Pansy being the first one to stand up and ran towards you, giving you a tight hug. She cried on your shoulders as you keep on apologizing and comforting the girl.

"I hate you." She sobbed gripping your robes tightly.

"I know, I'm sorry." You whispered.

You heard a cough and broke your gaze from the girl. Seeing your friends circling you. Millie and Blaise have their hands across their chests looking livid at you. Zendaya is glaring at you while Theodore is standing there both his hands on his pockets, his face blank.  Greg and Vince looking unamused and are both besides Draco who's looking away avoiding eye contact.

You sighed when Pansy broke the hug stepping back, looking at you teary eyed.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Zendaya said suddenly breaking the silence.

"It's a long story..."

"The hell it is. You better tell us straightaway of I'll beat the bloody crap out of you. Do you know how close I am on killing you myself?" Blaise's jaw clenched keeping himself from lounging at the girl.

"Jerk" Millie muttered staring at the floor. Theodore just stood there staring at you looking emotionless.

"Okay, Enough. Sit down and calm yourselves." You said inhaling sharply. Your insides started to feel sick and your head is getting cloudy.

"You better have a good explanation, Y/N." said Vince sitting down.

"It better be a good one or else all my beauty sleep last year is ruined for nothing." Pansy mumbled her puffy eyes glaring at the Y/H/C-haired girl.

You sat down once everyone is settled in their spotsl. Taking a deep breath, you looked at them one by one seeing they're starting to get impatient on waiting for an answer.

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