Chapter 14

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Hi, yes, I'm still alive and well. Just went through some existential crisis, but I'm fine. As an apology for ghosting you all for six months, I am gifting this (idk what to describe) chapter to all of you.

enjoy the ride ;)


"Have you ever given a thought of what you're going to do after Hogwarts?"

Y/N shrugged, taking a spoonful of vanilla ice cream not daring to make eye contact with Cedric.

Since she's under the care of her father- who's a pureblood- he had already planned what she's going to do after she graduates. Well to Y/F/N, he never really thought that Y/N's going to stick around longer than he'd expected.

"Is dying an option?" Y/N laughed at her own excuse of a joke.

Cedric just looked at her concerned, but decided to not push the topic.

"I think I'm going to persure to become an Auror." He said.


"I don't really know. A part of me wants to take it badly, but the other half, not so much." Cedric sighed, looking away from Y/N towards the students dancing like there's no tomorrow. "I can't really explain it much, but I had a moment where my life suddenly stops, and it was connected to why I wanted to be an one. As if I'll be able to continue on living without having that nagging fear behind my head if I was an Auror."

"A moment?" Y/N asked, forgetting her melting ice cream and putting all her focus on Cedric.

"Yeah, I was practicing at the Quidditch Pitch one day, and I was alone. I was flying fifty meters above ground, and the wind started to blow too hard, knocked me off my broom because of it."

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, "Like your life flashed before your eyes kind of thing?"

Cedric smiled and nodded. "Something like that, but it's different for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Instead of memories, I got flashes of events that I don't remember I was in. For example," He took a coin out of his pocket and held it up for Y/N to see.

"I saw a coin on the ground for a split second. I think I was on the ground, and I couldn't move. All I saw was a coin before I became aware of my surroundings again, and summoned the broom mid-air."

Cedric chuckled, flipping the coin and caught it before handing it to Y/N.

"Here, take it. For good luck."

Y/N looked at him confused, "Why are you giving it to me?"

Cedric shrugged and stood up, "My gut told me to."

"Seriously?" The Slytherin raised at eyebrow at him.

"Yes, seriously. Now stand up, child. Let's dance."

Y/N punched him on the shoulders before allowing him lead her to the dance. Not without muttering "Dipshit" along the way.

After dancing and talking for over an hour, Y/N sat down on one of the vacant tables and chugged a glass full of water in one sitting. She sighed, looking contended for the first time while watching them slow dancing in the middle of the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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