2.Her life

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Larayb POV
Although Nayel always creates problems for me but I still have that feeling I used to have for him years ago
I was madly in love with him but he was just using me
We had kissed and I was very young back then and wasn't going to lose my virginity to someone who doesn't even love me
When I saw him making out with ramisha my blood started boiling and he continued even after he saw me I just wanted to kill that bitch
But at that Time I was very insecure about myself and wasn't as good looking as I am now I started believing in myself
After seeing them make out I went directly to the airport and the jet that pop(grandfather) bought for us all I called the manager and told him that I was coming
I knew it was dangerous but I still missed dad(not) and wanted to get away from Nayel
When I was in US I trained myself to overcome anytime and I went in depression tortured myself but still didn't gave up on myself because I wanted revenge and started to get fit
I cut my long curly hair into shoulder length
I got my ears and nose pierced
I started learning martial arts and looked like someone whom people wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of
The fact Nayel didn't even try to contact me and I didn't receive any message from him
It saddened me but I pulled myself together and started loving myself
People are right breakups do get you in your real state
When I returned to Pakistan my brothers my BFF izza and obviously Nayel along with ramisha were there
My brother didn't knew the story so they thought it would be nice to bring ramisha along
First they were looking for me as I haven't contacted them in a year I only called them and texted them so they haven't seen my face form almost two years and we're having trouble recognizing me
Then I ran towards rooh and hugged him
Though his reaction was priceless he didn't recognize me
He was like who is this girl hugging me but I called him bhai and he understood
Then with knowing 1 year passed and ramisha used to come at our house a lot and I finally told my brothers what happened even though they didnt look very sad as if someone had already told them they were still angry with Nayel and they insulted him a lot while me and izza stood there laughing at him

Current dayyyyyy
So my brothers went to the office and I was not free at all because I had already planned my whole day with izza
*knock on the door*
'Momo can you pleassssssee get the door'i yelled with looking at my computer
I didn't got an answer but I heard the door opening
I tried to look but I wasn't able to take my eyes of off the assignment I was doing
Izza came rushing and jumped on the couch and hugged me hard...like hard hard...and then said I love you and she expected me to return her answer,I love her but I have never In life said 'I love you' to anyone except my pops
He gave me a new life an opportunity to live he told me 'beta if you die or try to give up on your live, with you the whole company will go down amd sweetie it was your grandmas wish that you handle the company because you are more intelligent and cunning than and other in the family and she was right I see right through you, if only everybody else saw through you and stop telling me that you aren't right for this job' even though these weren't his last words( he isn't dead yet)but they were so emotional that I decided to show everybody that I am the only one that do this job
Rooh and izza are dating so as soon as izza came I heard someone running down the stairs and I wonder who he was
He came and gave a peck to izza and sucked her cheek leaving a mark
Although It felt good to see my BFF and brother getting along so well but I still acted like I didn't like it and said 'yo get a room'
Izza blushed while bhai smirked and he hoped on the couch cuddling with her
I've been working all night on this assignment and barely got and sleep...ok ok I was at a party and came back at 5:30 and used my phone till 8 and tried to sleep when i remember that I have an ASSIGNMENT to complete by 7 pm tomorrow and trust it's not as simple as you think

I worked on all day and by 6:30 I was finished
My mouth let out a reliving sigh and put my laptop away and closed my eyes leaving my head hanging from the sofa I don't know when I fell asleep but it felt good like I haven't had a sleep like this in year
I woke up and felt a strong pain in my neck and picked up my hand to see what it was but something was Resting on my arm and I opened my eyes and it Nayel's head
I jump as soon as I saw this, but my feet were numb,his curly silky hair were on my thigh tingling me and half of his shoulders were on my other thigh his glasses were twisted and I removed them very gently
I haven't felt like this since since 2 years
I haven't felt this good and had this feeling for a while now

These feeling are taking over me again it took me 2 years to get rid of them

I was staring at him like it's the last time I'll ever see him just then I heard a 'Uhmmm' which ruined the moment but it was worse
It was ramisha standing there staring at us I acted like I don't care and started waking Nayel

Hey lovelies here's the chapter
1035 words ♥️

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