12.Oh she's angry

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When I found out that everybody knew except me anger rose in me like hell

Am I not important enough that his bestfriend knew before his own blood sister

I went to my room and took out a cigarette and went to the terrace I haven't had one of these from like 1 year and a half

I took had one and then another and then other

I fell it
The depression
The trauma
The insecurities rising
Tears started flowing out of my eyes like a waterfall

I went to the corner of the terrace and hugged my knees and cried till I had no tears left

I went to the corner of the terrace and hugged my knees and cried till I had no tears left

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I slept at that place

I woke up hearing the azan
I was too furious
I didn't wanted to face anyone or I would burst out

I took my keys and my helmet and went to the gym

Took my boxing gloves started punching the bag like mad

Tears were continuously coming out of my eyes

Was I really that bad that no wants me
Am I really that rude that ugly that unwanted
Why me

That question ringed in my mind again and again 

Nayel told me to leave Larayb alone for a night she would be normal by morning but I knew it wasn't that simple

Jab tak hame zaleel karke nhi rakhdegi tab tak she will not sit back

I went out to look for her and apologize
But as expected she wasn't in her room Nayel was sleeping half naked

'Bro put on some pants' I said waking him up
'Where is she' I questioned
'She didn't came back the whole night,didn't even come once in the room'
He said rubbing his eyes

'The keys' we both yelled
I went running out of the room while put his pants on

The keys weren't there

The bell rang we both ran towards the door

And it was....

'Hey guys' he said with a smile
Why is he smiling
Oh he doesn't know

'Who smoked' Arham said sniffing

We both nodded in disagreement
Then Nayel narrated him the whole story

'Now I smell cigarette as well' Nayel said
We went to the terrace and there were boxes of cigarette and lighters and ashes

'Omg she smoked again' Arham said
'Larayb had smoked before?' I said with shock
'Yes she was addicted' he replied
'Why didn't we know'
'Did you bothered to' he said with anger in his eyes
'Oh shit where is she' he asked in tension
'Somewhere but not in the house' we said
'You need to find her I bet she'll try to suicide'
'Oh no tomorrow's her birthday' he said
'OH SHIT' me and nayel said

We took the car keys and rushed out of the door
'Where to go' Nayel screamed while driving
'Ummmm any gym or boxing club where she goes often' Arham said
God this guys knows a lot about I need to take classes from him
'Yes' Nayel replied and increased the speed
We reached a club by Malik co.

What we had a club like this
Why didn't I know And how did Nayel know
'Pops made this for her specially' Nayel said

We went upstairs and the lights were open we went inside and there were gloves on the floor and and the punching bag wasn't in the best state

Arham rushed to washroom
'Larayb' he yelled and we both went towards him

She was siting with blood dripping from her hands and broken pieces of mirror in front of her
She was crying
Arham without caring went towards her
'What happened jaan'
'It's here again'
'It's ok I'm here'
'They did it again I think I should just die' she said crying but no tears
They were dried

I tear slipped from my eyes

Nayel went towards her and picked her bridal style
There was blood on her feet as well

'Take her to the hospital' Arham said
'Hmm I will get her a drip' Nayel said

This is the first time I regret living
I never understood her
This guy who isn't even her blood she met him in the states but he's close to her like her brother

Tears stared flowing out of my eyes
I don't know the last time I cried

'Hello dada' I heard Arham say to someone
'You need to take her with you yes ye she did ok dada' he said
'Come on its ok' he said trying to soothe me
'No it's not ok it was never was and yet she never told us anything
Does she even think of us as her own' I did crying
'Do you think of her as her own' he said amd reality hit me I never told her anything about my life but shared everything with others

'Do you know how hard it was for me to get her to shut up when she cried for the first Time'
'3 years ago exact today' he said

'Come on Larayb it's ok'
'Where are they call them I miss them' she said crying over her life
'Come on Larayb you know it's hurts when you cry' dada said trying to soothe her
'I miss them I really do tell them I won't misbehave but please come back'
She said crying
'Stop it Larayb' dada said in a stiff voice trying to scare her
'BHAIII' she yelled

A slap landed on her face and looked at dada with tears in her eyes and her hand on her face
'Girls don't cry' he said in a very serious tone
'Especially not my sister' he said hugging her and few minutes passed by and was asleep

End of flashback

'It was so hard tears were forming my eyes looking at state
I told myself to help her through everything'
He said
'I don't know what type of blood you are when you can't even handle your own sister'
And a lone tear slipped out of eye while he said it
And then mine and arhams phone rang at the same time
It was Nayel on one phone
And dada on the other one......

Hey lovelies so here's another chapter
1033 words
The next chapter is a little cute little emotional but everything will be set don't worry

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