Chapter 1: They will regret

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Pain..That is all Naruto feels right now, on his back an unconscious Sasuke. Wheezing, with two holes caused by chidori, caused by one Uchiha Sasuke.


"Heh, dobe, should've not chased me Naruto" sneered the Uchiha. "Sorry Sasuke, but right now, I'm hell-bent on bringing you back, even if I have to break every single bone in your body to bring you back" Yelled Naruto, his voice full of determination.

With one more final attack, Sauske called on upon the cursed seal to super power a regular chidori. Meanwhile, Naruto is calling upon his friend the Kyuubi's chakra.

"Just a little more chakra Kurama, to power my rasengan" thought Naruto. "Sure Gaki, just enough to knock the Uchiha out" Kurama responded.

With the chakra boost they needed, they both jumped up in the air, and called upon their final attack.



After the two powerful jutsu's collided, a bright burning light of white, that surrounded the entire battlefield, waters being thrashing around due to the power.

After the light flashed away, two boys stood, weakened and lack of chakra, fainted. However, Naruto got up faster, and was able to bring back Sasuke.

"Heh, told you teme. Like i said, I will bring you back" thought Naruto before starting his journey back to Konoha.


Naruto finally, after what felt like hours, finally the massive gates of Konoha. Stood there, The Hokage, Jiraiya, the rest of Konoha 12 that did not go on the mission, some medics, and Kakashi-sensei.

"Heh, the Gaki did it" both Jiraiya and Tsunade thought. The rest of Konoha 12 except Sakura. Had thoughts of "the mission was a complete success", "hah, that Naruto did the most unexpected thing". But unfortunately, the rest of the civilians that were there, the medic's that were there, Sakura his own teammate, and Kakashi, his own sensei. Had thoughts of "That baka, I said bring him uninjured, and look what he did", "that demon, injuring the last Uchiha", and "that student hurt his own teammate, how could he?!".

As Naruto walked closer to the gate he thought "I did it Sakura-chan, I completed my promise". As he saw Sakura walking to him, thinking that she would congratulate him and thank him. She did something he did not expect, she punched him in between his chidori wounds.

Everyone who liked Naruto, was shocked that Sakura had punched. But everyone against him, smirked.

"W-h-hy, S-Sakura" Naruto said weakly. Enraged at the question, Sakura yelled "ITS BECAUSE I ASKED TO BRING SASUKE BACK SAFE AND SOUND, NOT FREAKING HALF-DEAD!. "But Sakura, I'm more injured than- "SHUT UP, NARUTO, A DEMON LIKE YOU SHOUD EVEN EXPLAIN YOURSELF! Sakura yelled once more, cocking her arm backwards, to punch Naruto again. 

Tsunade had rushed to stop the punch, when she grabbed Sakura's punch, she glared and yelled. "Sakura why are you doing such to injured fellow Konoha nin", "BECAUSE HOKAGE-SAMA, NARUTO HAD INJURED SASUKE, AND BESIDES, HE IS NO COMRADE, BUT A DEMON" Sakura yelled again. 

Naruto finally from the pain, exhaustion, and emotional pain, had collapsed. The medic's rushed not to heal Naruto, but Sasuke. Tsunade, saw this started to heal Naruto herself "Shizune, prepare an ICU room in the hospital right now" Tsunade yelled. "Yes Ma'am" Shizune yelled back, before running as fast as she could to the hospital.

"Everyone who cares about Naruto follow me" Tsunade said. Jiraiya, and Konoha Five(BASICALLY WHEN I REFER TO, KONOHA 10 OR BELOW EXPECT FOR SAKURA AND SASUKE NOT BE INCLUDED) followed along. Meanwhile, Kakashi and Sakura tended to their favorite person.


Neji and Chōji had just come out of surgery, and is with the rest of the boys who went on the mission who were resting in the hospital.

Kiba asked the question that all who went on the mission were wondering. "Where's Naruto". "Indeed, Gai-Sensei, where is youthful Naruto-kun" Lee asked without his normal loudness. "Yes how was the mission? Was it a success?" Shikamaru asked hoping his first mission as leader was a success.

"Kids" Gai said without his normal loudness, which shocked everyone in the room, and told themselves to prepare for the worst. "If your wondering about the mission, it was a success" upon hearing this Lee, Chōji, and Kiba shouted cheers, Neji smiled, and Shikamaru released a breath he was holding.

"But" at this everyone stopped cheering, and continued to listen to Gai. "Naruto-kun is, Naruto-kun is" Gai kept repeating not sure how to break it to them. "Come on Gai-sensei, tell us, we can handle it" Kiba said. But in reality he was nervous, real nervous if his friend is injured or something worse.

Sighing Gai continued "At immediately of coming to Konoha, Naruto was taken by Tsunade-Sama to the ICU, from what I heared, Naruto is suffering from Chakra exhaustion, after exhausting over 50% of his chakra reserve's, severe chakra burning, second-degree burning, 4 fractured ribs, 5 broken ribs, broken left leg and right arm, multiple cuts and lacerations, a concussion, and got hit by the chidori, twice, hitting a little of right lung, and second one, was about 2 inches from Naruto's heart. Naruto hasn't woken up yet". Gai said with a sigh.

Hearing this, everyone knew that Naruto had suffered the most injuries. "Can we visit him" Chōji asked. "I guess so" Gai said. They walked in a comfortable silence hoping Naruto is fine. When they entered they saw Asuma, Kurenai, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Ino, Shino, Tenten, and Hinata. One thing everyone took notice is, is that no one from Naruto's own team came see him. Neji asked why, and Tenten explained. It's safe to say all five boy's we're mad, and ready to kill a pink-headed bitch.

Neji said he'll "Jūken Sakura's heart", Kiba continued and said he'll "Gatsuga her all over and over again till she's dead" Shikamaru said he'll "Kage Mane her, and make her stab herself all over her own body", Lee said he'll "beat her ass to death", and Chōji said he'll "sit on her, using his Multi-Size technique". 

Safe to say, everyone who looked at the 5 boys concluded two things. 1: They all care for Naruto. And 2: They're sadistic bastards.


'Heh, gotta respect the dobe, he beat my ass thoroughly, and dragged me back" Sasuke thought with a smirk. "Wait...where's the dobe, he didn't die did he? Sasuke thought with a frown.

(3rd Pov)

Sasuke, who considered himself as an "Uchiha Elite, who doesn't need help" was caring about his teammate. Sasuke finally gave in to his curiosity, he got up, and looked around when did, he scowled. There was Sakura sitting on a chair asleep.

"Look who's finally awake" Kakashi said as he walked in. Sasuke scowled again. Not wanting anything except to find out what happened to Naruto.

Sasuke bit back his Uchiha pride and asked the question. "Oi, Kakashi, what happened to the dobe". "You shouldn't concern yourself with the demon child Uchiha-Sama". There it is the thing Sasuke hates.

"Kakashi, where. is. Naruto! Sasuke asked more forceful. "Maa Maa, no need to get mad Uchiha-Sama, he is in room 305 in the west tower" Kakashi said, wanting to make Sasuke happy. 

Hearing this, Sasuke left and went to apologize. If only he knew how much more worse things would happen to Naruto because of him.

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