Chapter 10 - No More Secrets

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2nd Person POV

"You guys are..", you began but before you could finish Luca spoke. "Look i'm sorry! We just", he sighed and looked over at Alberto. Alberto decided to take lead and explain. "Alright look. We're sorry for not telling you guys okay, we were just.. scared. But me and Luca met on that island over there..yeah the one with all the stories about sea monsters. His parents were gonna send him away to the deep so we well you know.. ran away and came here. We were planning on getting enough money for a vespa and running away together...", Alberto said looking at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck. "THIS IS SO COOL!", you shouted out running up to them. Both Luca and Alberto were taken by surprise. Sure you and Giulia expressed that you didn't 'hate' or want to 'hurt' sea monsters but they still were unsure of what you would say if you really saw one. If the fear and hatred would kick in, especially since it was something they kept secret from the both of you. "GET IN THE WATER RIGHT NOW I WANNA SEE!", Giulia shouted out. "Wait! Not now! Remember people might see. How about.. I HAVE AN IDEA!", you shouted out and went running. Alberto, Luca and Giulia followed. As they followed you, Giulia asked questions about the water and how they learned to walk.

You ran into Giulia's backyard and grabbed a giant metal washing bucket and began to fill it with water from the hose. "What are you doing?", Giulia questioned. "Well they can't swim around out there but nobody will see them in here!", you smiled and Giulia nodded in excitement. Still hesitant Luca held onto Alberto tightly. "Giulia what about your dad?", Luca questioned. "It's alright! He won't see!", she smiled back. "O-okay", he responded and Alberto smiled at him reassuring him everything would be okay. The bucket filled up and you turned the hose off, the bucket was just big enough for the two of them to sit in it. You watched as they both stepped in, Lucas feet turning a green with tints of blue and Albertos turning purple. "THIS IS SO CRAZY!", you called out. "I can't believe we didn't find out sooner.", you added. "Well you know we assumed you would want to kill us", Alberto shrugged. They both sat down in the bucket and large tails appeared. "Can.. I touch it", Giulia asked, her eyes dilating like a cat. "Uh.. sure", Luca smiled unsurely and she quickly poked his tail and gasped. You and Giulia sat on the ground listening to Lucas life story, his parents, his grandma, his home, his community. "Alberto what about you?", you asked and he got visibly anxious. "Well uh you know I um lived with my dad uh on the island and .. then met Luca.", he responded. "Well that's vague.. Whats your dad like?", Giulia asked. "Well.. I don't really know..", Alberto answered softly. Luca looked at him, "What do you mean you don't know?", he questioned. "Well you see.. he uh he left.", Alberto responded. You and Giulia looked at each other with worried faces. Luca furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean he left?", he asked. "Well a while before me and you met he left. He said I was old enough to be on my own and left me on the island.", Alberto responded staring down at his webbed feet. "What? Why didn't you tell me?!", Luca asked his voice on the verge of being soft yet it was clear he was a bit upset at the lack of information Alberto had offered him. "Well I don't know Luca you don't need to know everything.", Alberto snapped. "What does that mean?!", Luca questioned loudly. "Guys! Guys! Calm down we can talk this through-", you started. "Ragazzi what is going on?", Massimo questioned as he opened the gate. "AA!", Giulia screamed but it was too late. Massimo stood there he squinted his eyes, "Sea monsters!", he yelled loudly. "No papa! Wait", Giulia yelled out running up to her dad. Luca and Alberto ran out of the bucket and quickly dried off. Massimo noticed this and stayed quiet in disbelief, "..Alberto?", he questioned. Alberto looked down with a guilty stare. He felt like a disappointment. Massimo, though he didn't know him for too long thought of Alberto almost as the son he had never had, their early morning fishing trips made him feel as if he was bonding with his own child. He could sense Albertos loneliness, he knows Alberto had nobody, he could tell, it was almost like a parental instinct. Now he stared at what he thought of as his son, his son that kept a secret, a secret that he wasn't even human. He was what Massimo believed to be a dangerous enemy. "I'm sorry!", Alberto called out. He quickly wiped his eyes and ran straight past Massimo and out the gate. He ran. And ran. And ran. "Alberto!", Luca called out. Instead of running after him he let his back rest against the brick wall of the back of Giulia's house, he slowly slid onto the ground, and let his head fall to his knees as he sobbed. "Luca?! What's wrong. He'll be back don't worry", you said quietly sitting next to him and putting a hand on his arm reassuringly. "I can't believe he never told me.", Luca sobbed. Giulia looked at her dad then ran over to Lucas aid. Massimo sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "Giulia. Explain.", he said not in an angry tone, but one more of sadness. "Well.. papa. I didn't know. Not until today. And they are my friends! I don't want them getting hurt!", she said. Massimo didn't respond, "Luca.. you and Alberto are safe with me.", he said and Luca looked up. Luca wiped a tear from his eye, "thank you.", he said quietly. "Okay. I am going to go look for Alberto.", Massimo said and Machiavelli hopped onto his shoulder. "I'll go too! I think I know where he went.", you stood up quickly and followed Massimo out the gate.

You assumed Alberto would be at the top of mount Portorosso, specifically the roof of the shed he had taken Luca. You had no evidence that's where he went, but you had a feeling. "Why was Luca crying so much. Did I scare him?", Massimo asked with an expression of worry on his face. "Yeah maybe... But I don't really think that's why he was crying.", you said quietly as you walked. "Then why?", Massimo questioned. "Well uh Luca and Alberto they are.. very close and Alberto never told Luca he was an orphan until today and I guess it's making Luca upset Alberto didn't confide in him.", you said quietly. "He is?", Massimo questioned, though he already assumed this. Having the confirmation was different. "Yeah.. actually I think he wishes you were his dad.", you laughed lightly. "When he was staying with me he was always talking about your fishing trips and how nice you were and how you told him you were proud of him.. I guess it meant a lot to him.", you smiled. Massimo smiled, "I am. Very proud. He is a good young man.", he responded. "So uh you aren't upset? You know about them-", he cut you off. "No. I think. I think i've had the wrong mindset all my life.", he admitted. You smiled. "Does Luca have parents?", Massimo questioned. "Yeah.. he told me they are in the ocean. He ran away because they wanted to send him away from Alberto.. long story.", you said. Massimo nodded his head.

The two of you made it to the top of the hill and over to the shed. "Alberto?! Are you here?", you questioned as you started climbing to the top of the shed. No response. When you made it to the top you saw Alberto. His back was turned to you, his head in his knees, his arms hugging his knees to his chest. "Alberto.. are you okay?", you questioned. Massimo stayed below. Listening. "No.", he responded with a sniffle. You crawled over to him and sat beside him. "Why did you run away?", you questioned. "Massimo probably hates me. All I-", he paused. "I just wanted a dad.", he said quietly. Below the shed Massimo was forming tears. "He doesn't hate you Alberto. He was just surprised but trust me he doesn't hate you.", you responded patting his back. "If he doesn't i'm sure Luca does.", he sniffled. This caught Massimo's attention and he listened closely. "Why would Luca be mad?", you questioned. "Because I lied to him. I told him I had a dad. How is he supposed to trust me if I lied", he said. "He will understand Alberto.. stuff like that is hard to talk about i'm sure he isn't mad.", you said quietly. "D-do you think he'll still want to be my boyfriend..?", Alberto questioned. Massimo widened his eyes.

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