We All Fall Down

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This was finally it, outside the doors of the great cathedral, on the steps for the entire city to see, Chara and Frisk stood hand in hand, eye to eye. Since the two didn't have any chance to sit down in plan this out for themselves, Darcy had decided to go with the royal tradition.. And that ended up putting Chara in a long, frilly green dress with gold trimming and emerald studding along the collar and sleeves. They had decided to poof out all of Chara's hair to swirl it about in extravagance and top it with a tiara, encrusted with a ruby heart. Their cheeks were rosy, and their smile so innocent one could almost forget that they could single-handedly take on the entire royal guard and win without being touched a single time. They could probably do it in the dress and heels if they really wanted to, so everyone decided it would be best to not tease.

Frisk was dressed up as well, and it complemented their form just as well. The outfit had taken a few minor adjustment to fit Frisk's form, naturally, but it kept the integrity of what it was beforehand. A long, sleeveless tunic of a deep sapphire shade, glistening in the brilliant rays of sunshine, that parted just after the waist. Underneath they wore a tight, thing garb of violet silk that stopped just shy of their elbows, trimmed with a delicate gold lace. The pants were a simple deep black, and the belt-bucket bore the same ruby heart that was on Chara's tiara. They also wore knee-high, laced boots that had been buckled with gold. Their hair was tied up into a beautifully messy top-bun and they wore a crown of gold upon their head.

However, only the luckiest spectators were able to see their clothing up close, and that was when the two were escorted from the palace and walked hand in hand up to the stairs of the cathedral down a red carpet lane that had been laid out for them. Although Chara would never dare to admit, the sheer size of this event rather scared them; there must have been thousands of people standing out in the streets and in the pavilion just to see this go down. It was a historic event, to say the least, the first true, sacred bond between the heir of the human kingdom and the heir of the monster kingdom. Because of this, security for the entire event was maximized with every possible precaution, especially for the dance.

Of course, to Chara, none of that really mattered right now. They were holding their hand in Frisk's as the silk ribbon was wrapped around their hands, and the words were being said, to seal it in whatever magic they believed in. Chara and Frisk had already made their vows to one another, and by a simple display of their shared soul.. Nothing else needed to be said. The brilliantly colored soul the two shared was floating high into the sky, drowning out the light of the sun to create its own stunning array of every shade in the rainbow.

Chara glanced into the crowd to see their family, practically crying in the moment. Frisk's mother was smirking, giving a gentle thumbs up. The silk ribbon was slowly removed, and the entire crowd sucked in their breath as Chara and Frisk embraced one another in a deep, passionate kiss that caused the soul above them to explode in a firework like display of a thousand shades of red, sparkling down like a rain of glitter. Through the mess of applause, Frisk swept Chara right off their feet and began to carry them down the steps and to the red carpet escort.

That was when both Chara and Frisk noticed something truly heart-warming. In the mix of the crowd, it wasn't just humans. No, it was a diverse jumble of humans and monsters, celebrating together, throwing flowers on to the carpet just because the entire event had given them something worth celebrating. Not just a marriage, but the child of hope that came with it, hope that would foster the dreams of everyone in that crowd.

And in a manner like that of the firework like explosion in the bonded soul, the entire event had moved from the pavilion and cathedral to the palace ballroom, courtyards and dining rooms. The couple encountered their parents and friends in the ballroom, it goes without saying, but the two were far too caught up in the wake of the moment to stop and chat. No, no, now it was time for the two to let loose and to dance away the night like tomorrow was just a dream in the far off future. And that they did; taking over the center floor, Chara and Frisk engaged in a delicate waltz. Rather, Chara engaged and Frisk awkwardly followed along, since Chara was the one who knew how to dance like this.

It wasn't until night began to fall that things finally began to swing into a direction no one wanted to accept, a way that a very particular Sam wanted nothing less than to forget, the way everyone else forgot. The explosion in the lab, a cross between an enhanced determination drug and a hole in time-lines, a hole that our friend W.D Gaster had been monitoring. If he hadn't been dealt with, there was no telling how any of this would have gone.. If only he hadn't reached Chara, first. It split the essence, the soul of one so desperate to claw their way to life again into two parts. With the soul bond between Chara and Frisk, it was almost impossible to free the final piece.. Until now, now that the bond been altered in a way neither of them could ever really understand. Fixed, if you will.

Sam dropped their glass, keeling over and collapsing to the ground, her body beginning to twitch violently until it began to bubble up and steam. Everyone backed away, bathed in shock and horror as the event unfolded before them.. Until Sam's body was nothing more than a bubbling pit of sticky tar with a purple soul floating above.. Until that, too exploded into an array of light, and Chara began to keel over, coughing up the same tar-like substance.

Then something happened that was not expected by either parties.. From the glistening remains of Sam's soul, something began to form in a purple aura. It was, somehow, Sam, a transparently purple, floating version of Sam. They were laughing, until of course, they noticed that Chara had collapsed and the same tar was seeping from their mouth and slinking over to the pit where Sam's body had once been. The transparent Sam floated backwards toward Frisk, who was helping Chara back to their feet. They had all turned just in time to notice what was taking shape from the darkness.. A human.

A human that looked, down to every single freckle, just like Chara, except this one was much different. If anyone could recall the air of menace, rage and lust that hung about Chara as they were on their rampage in the training room, that is what they would have felt clinging to this human like a child to their mother. They started to laugh maddeningly.

"It's me, everyone! I'm back!! You probably know me better by my old name, so I'll use that! My name is Cherice, and I'm sure you're all familiar with who I am, after all, my little twins-y is here in this time! Sorry about that, by the way, completely wrecking your bond with dear Frisk but.. I was hoping I could take that one for myself. A shame, really.. Now.. Down to business.." The figure, Cherice, walked towards Chara and looked up at them. Although they must have been the same, Cherice was drastically shorter and much, much younger.

"Where are our parents, me?"

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