The Surface

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It was finally time, time for monsters to return to the surface. First, however, a small group would be sent ahead to make sure everything was safe. If monsters returned to the surface only to be slaughtered, then it would have been a pointless endeavour. So, the King and Queen, Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys and Chara and Frisk would head out before calling the rest of them out from the underground. It was finally time to stand under the light of the stars again.

"Well.. Is everyone ready?" Father asked with a long sigh of relief. Everyone was excited, but everyone had a different way of showing it. Papyrus was practically jumping, and Undyne seemed like she was about to beat the crap out of someone and possibly surplex Alphys and break a boulder with her own face. Sans was acting casual as usual, but he did seem pretty pleased with himself. Everyone seemed to be pleased with themselves.

"Ready?! I've been ready for years!!" Undyne exclaimed, and as Chara expected, picked up Alphys and practically ran through the door with Papyrus right at her heel, who was practically skipping with excitement. Sans shrugged, turned the other direction and walked off. Maybe he was gonna use another one of those "short-cuts" of his.

"I suppose we ought to make sure they don't get into any trouble!" Mother giggled, just as excited to finally feel the free air again, and so she followed after them with Father close at hand. Chara and Frisk were.. Less excited to reach the surface. Frisk, for reasons they refused to think of, and Chara for reasons they dare not remember. There was a reason they had run away from the surface.

"Well.. Let's go." Chara gulped, tightening their grip on Frisk's hand. They nodded, and with that they continued after their family. Their real family. The one that was there for them, the one that supported them. When the two finally reached the group, they found them standing at the ledge of the mountain, staring into the sky. The sun was rising, and it was putting on a particularly beautiful display. The golden rays of sun blending with the shadow of night to send brilliant shades of purple and orange dancing across the sky, lighting up the clouds for the world to see.

"What is that?!" Exclaimed Papyrus, staring into the sky in absolute amazement, his jaw about to drop in the most literal fashion you could have imagined.

"Is that the SUN?!" Undyne almost shouted, turning to Alphys, who she was still carrying in her hands, "It's more amazing than anything you ever showed me!!"

"Y-yeah, it really is.. It really is something, I-isn't it?" Alphys stuttered, and Chara would bet money that her nerves were coming more from the fact that Undyne was carrying them and less from the excitement of reaching the surface.

"Did you miss this, Chara, my child?" Mother asked softly, not breaking her eyes away from the sunrise that was laying out before them all.

"There wasn't anything worth missing up here. Not for me, anyway." Chara shrugged casually. Although, on the inside, they greatly missed the stars. The stars were comforting to Chara, showing them how big the universe really was and how small they were in the grand scheme of things.

"Awh, don't lie, Chara!" Asriel teased from his flowerpot that Mother must have been holding, "We all know you missed having all the chocolate you wanted that was up here!"

"Well... Yes, but that isn't something exclusive to the surface. I mean, I could have had that whenever I wanted." Chara said stiffly, and noticed out of the corner of their eye that Frisk was pulling a chocolate bar out of their pocket. "Is that what I think it is..?"

"Uhm.... No?" Frisk laughed, slowly putting the bar of chocolate back into their pocket. "I mean, even if it was, you're not supposed to have chocolate anyway.."

"Give me the chocolate, Frisk. Gimmie." Chara turned and narrowed their eyes. Frisk giggled, turned and bolted. Chara looked at everyone else, sighed and then ran after their Frisk and their chocolate.

It wasn't exactly a long chase, but by the time that Chara caught up, chocolate wasn't something that was on their mind anymore. As Chara ran, they began to get a sense of something and a flashing of images coming from Frisk.. Who wasn't having a good time anymore. Their run quickly become less of something that was happening because of a playful tease, and more of something that was a necessity. When Chara reached them, Frisk had collapsed and fell to the ground..

Sitting in front of them was a town, a town that Chara knew had been haunting Frisk's nightmares, although they didn't have any idea as to why. Still, why didn't matter to Chara right now, and Frisk needed their help, so Chara scooped them up in their arms and began to stroke their hair. Frisk was.. Crying, now.

"I got you, Frisk.. I got you.." Chara whispered gently, and Frisk buried themselves into the crook of Chara's arm. As Chara walked slowly into the town under the rising sun, they noticed something rather odd..

The town was completely empty, with not a living soul in sight. To make the chain of events even stranger, the town seemed like it had been lived in not so long ago. Cars were stopped mid-street, and there were even signs of traffic, and the lights were still functioning. The lights in the houses were still turned on, windows still opened and food left on the tables as if everyone had left right in the middle of the meal. Chara could even see Raccoon's scuttling about the shadows, running away from trash cans and dumpsters with a pawful of loot.

Whatever happened here, maybe it wasn't the best place for Monster's to stay..

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