Boredom at the flat

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Sherlock paces the flat for the umpteenth time today.

"Sherlock, would you please sit your bloody arse down in your chair? You're making me dizzy. Inspector Lestrade said he would call us as soon as he has a case he thinks we will be interested in. He doesn't want to waist our time on trivial cases.

"He wouldn't know a decent case if it but him on the arse!" He yelled and sat down angrily in his chair.

"Calm down okay? How about lunch? I'll have..."

"No! I'm not hungry!" Sherlock interrupted.

"Okay, than, a drink?" John asks trying to get the other to quiet down a bit.

Sherlock sat there a moment, "Fine."

"Lovely," John got up to make them both a drink. It was early afternoon, on John's day off from the hospital, and Sherlock had been going stir crazy for days now not having a case, so a little afternoon drinking won't hurt anything.

After about three drinks and fifteen different conversation changes, John has and idea, "Sherlock, may I try an experiment to distract from not having a case?"

"Ha!" Sherlock laughs, "As if you know of something that could distract me, the brilliant Sherlock Holmes from not having a case to solve..." John just stared at him, completely serious. "Well, John, if you think you know of something, then you have my permission to try it."

"No complaints from you at all while it is being done?" John asks.

"None." Sherlock confirms.

"Promise?" John asks, a gleam in his eye.

This kind of startles Sherlock but he replies non-the-less, "Promise."

"Great!" John leaps out of his chair and runs out of the room. Sherlock is confused and just watches after him. A few moments later John returns with his fire stick and plugs it into the back of their flat screen tv.

"Uh, and... What exactly are you doing?" Sherlock asked confused.

"I am introducing you to Anime. We are going to watch some to distract you." John says excitedly.

"Oh no, you know I don't watch the Telly. I have work to do." Sherlock goes to stand when John speaks, sounding dejected.

"But... You promised..." John wasn't looking at him, but at the floor. He wouldn't admit it, but he looked like he might cry.

Sherlock's chest felt tight, he didn't understand why, "Your right, I'll watch it." Sherlock said as he sat down.

"Really?" John asked hopeful. Before he had a chance to change his mind again, he turned on the tv, and flipped to the show he planned on watching. The intro to My Hero Academia started playing.

Ten Hours later, it was 11pm, and they had already watched twenty episodes, meaning they watched all of season one and half of season two.

A knock sounded at the door. John got up to answer, "Oh, Hello Mrs. Hudson! How come you knocked? You always just come in... Your always welcome to, you know..."

"Oh yes dear, I know, you guys just looked so busy earlier, I didn't want to intrude again."

"Again?" John asked.

Sherlock looked back from his chair as he turned the Telly off, "Yes John, around Episode 12, after you had nodded off, she came to check on us. I told her we we're fine."

"That's putting it nicely, Dearie." Mrs. Hudson says.

"Sherlock, what did you do!?" John scolded.

"It doesn't matter now, Dear, I was just coming up to ask if you boys wanted dinner?" Mrs. Hudson asks John.

"Dinner? But it isn't even that la..." John glances over at the clock, "11pm!?"

"Yes Dear, you boys have been up here all day."

John yawned, realizing what she said to be true, "I think I'll just go to bed. I didn't realize it had gotten so late already. Thank you Mrs. Hudson, and good night."

Mrs. Hudson smiled, "You're welcome dear, good night."

John closed the door. "And what if I had wanted dinner, John?" Sherlock was walking towards him and the tone in his voice sent chills up John's spine. They had only been dating officially for about a week now, so it was still very new to both of them.

John stood facing the door, hand still on the knob, "Do you... Want me to... Call her back...?" He stammered.

"That wasn't what I had in mind." The husk tone in his voice almost made John weak. Sherlock pressed his body up against John's back and whispered into his ear, "I want you... To make me tea and biscuits." With that said, he stood back, and walked away.

John was so flustered, ha had to stand there a moment to compose himself. He then went to the kitchen to make tea and biscuits for Sherlock Holmes.

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