The Plan

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   After school, CeCe and Ty, meet up in the library, to go over the plan.

   "So how are we going about this?" CeCe asked Ty, the mastermind.

   "Well, my best plan or Stage 1 as I like to call it, is to take Rocky's phone without her knowing. We are gonna need a diversion."

   "That's when I come in, right?"

   "Yeah, you are the ditzy redhead after all."

   Later at rehearsal, CeCe spotted Rocky by the snack table, she came up from behind and scared her.

   "Boo!" CeCe yelled.

   "What the heck?" Rocky shrieked, as she dropped her phone on the floor, although she didn't notice it.

   "Hehe, sorry Rox, I just thought it was really funny. You know I am your ditzy friend after all."

   Ty went behind Rocky when she was distracted and grabbed her phone off the floor. He took it back to his dressing room and searched through it. He saw her most recent texts, and saw a contact named 'Logibear'. He couldn't believe that his sister was dating her best friends former step-brother. He went to go tell CeCe. She was still talking to Rocky.

   "Hey, CeCe! Can I talk to you?" Ty asked.

   "Sure. I'll be right back Rocky." CeCe walked over to Ty.

   "What's up Ty?" CeCe asked.

   "I found out Rocky's little secret." Ty showed the screen to CeCe. It had Logan's face on it.

   "Logan? Out of all people, Rocky, had to fall in love with the enemy!" CeCe exclaimed.

   "Yeah, it seems like it. Now onto Stage 2."

   The next day, at rehearsal, Ty, gathered everyone on to the stage. He was about to tell them a huge surprise.

  "Dancers, gather around for this weeks dance I have a treat!"

  Everyone was giddy with excitement, including CeCe and Rocky.

   "Dancers, I'd like to introduce you to our newest member, Logan Hunter! Let's give him a round of applause!"

   "Thank you! Thank you!" Logan exclaimed.

  "Eww, Ty, Logan is our new dancer. He can't even dance let alone stand up straight on his own two left feet."

   "Wow, Sissy you don't believe in me, I think I'm a fantastic dancer."

   CeCe groaned. She hated whenever he would call her, Sissy. Logan always tried to be civil, but loved to tease her.

  "Yeah you never know, he might be a good dancer." Rocky added.

   "I'm glad you think that Rocky." Ty said. "I want you to dance with him this week."

   "Really? That's awes- I mean that sounds like it could be fun."

At Rocky's apartment, her and Logan were sitting on the couch making out. Meanwhile, CeCe and Ty were downstairs in her apartment, figuring out what to do next.

"Ok here's the plan." Ty decided. "You'll go up the fire escape quietly, and spy on them through the window. Try to get a picture of them, kissing or hugging or something, but don't get yourself caught."

CeCe headed up. She could see them making out through the window. "Gross." She thought. She wanted to punch Logan. She snapped a photo of them. Then tried to listen in to their conversation.

"Okay, Rocky-pop." said Logan. "I think we should start rehearsing. Might I suggest a slow dance?"

"Absolutely not, Logan. People cannot know that we are together. Doing a slow dance would just make them more suspicious." Rocky replied.

Logan stood up. "Okay then what do you suggest?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't think we should be hanging out in public anymore."

"I hate having to keep this a secret, sweetie." Logan declared. "It's not fun for me anymore."

"Just go." Rocky replied. "I need to figure this out."

Logan walked out, and slammed the door. Rocky was agitated. She wasn't sure what to do. CeCe hearing everything, went back down to spill to Ty.

"Now I feel bad." Ty said. "I wish she was able to publicly declare her relationship."

"Maybe she could." CeCe replied. "I have an idea."

"What is it?" Ty asked reluctantly.

"I could post the picture on social media, and then she wouldn't be able to hide it anymore. I mean considering we both know already there's really nothing to hide. They could both be happy." CeCe pondered at the thought. She didn't know if she wanted Logan to be happy with her best friend. It wasn't really up to her though.

"That sounds like a good idea." Ty added. "You gotta wait until tomorrow though."

"Why?" CeCe asked.

"Cause I want to talk to him." Ty responded.

Forbidden Love (The Rocky and Logan Love story) REDONEWhere stories live. Discover now