How I identify

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I identified as bi-gender for about a year. But, last week I realized I was no longer comfortable with that term. I learned about genderfluid and I now identify as that for my gender identity.

I identified as bisexual for 18 (eighteen) months. Or a year and a half. Someone asked how I was asexual and bisexual. I told them, "I'm attracted to almost everyone, but not sexually." And they said, ""Oh! So, you're biromantic!?" And I asked, "I'm what, now?" and they calmly explained to me biromantic. So, that is how I identify.

I identified as genderfluid for about close to two (2) weeks. That didn't really fit anymore, now. So, I went back to the pinterest board. I found demifluid. I will see if that works.

I identifi- *starts laughing* identified as demifluid for like two- *laughs even harder* for like two minutes. Pangender and omnigender. One of those two might be how I identify.

Okay, so, I feel agender and also omnigender. Like, I feel like all genders and I feel like none of the genders at the same time. Someone help me.

I rediscovered bigender, again. Turns out, that is the only term to describe how I feel. It kind of fits. So, uh, yeah. I just realized that it's only my preferred name I'm questioning even though the one I use feels right.

Hee hee. I think I'm transmasc nonbinary. I no longer use she/her/hers pronouns.

Update: I'm genderfluid. And aromantic and Bicurious.

Gender: Genderfluid

Sexual orientation: Bicurious, Aromantic, and Asexual.

Pronouns: Any

Preferred name: I can't say it on here, yet.


Bi-gender: The feeling of having two genders either at the same time or separately.

Genderfluid: Experiencing more than one gender identity at different times or in different situations.

Asexual: Lack of sexual attraction to others.

Bisexual: Sexual attraction to more than one gender.

Biromantic: Romantic attraction to more than one gender.

Demifluid (or demigenderfluid): A gender identity for "someone whose gender is partially fluid (genderfluid) with the other part(s) being static; and example could be: one part of their gender is 'woman' while the part that fluctuates is 'man' or any other non-binary gender.

Omnigender: Similar to pangender. It issometmes used interchangeably with pangender, but sometimes a distinction is made, although there is no constant definition. The most common definition of omnigender is someone who experience almost every gender but not quite. Another common. Definition is someone who experiences all genders, but treat them all as one gender, or as "building blocks" to one whole gender.

Pangender: Someone who doesn't identify with having a gender themselves.

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