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It was madness.

In a span of a few minutes, the main deck had been consumed by chaos. There was a raging ocean of bodies ahead of him, much more than before. His ears were filled by a dissonant orchestra. Clashing blades. Shouting. Splintering wood. It overwhelmed his senses, but he had no time to collect himself. He was out here on a mission.


What was the mission, exactly?

He didn't quite know. Every facet of common sense should've had him huddled up in a corner in the Captain's office. Instead, he was standing in the middle of an active warzone. Should he be attacking someone? Hell, he didn't even know who he should be attacking. Nobody here wore bright patches saying "Captain Kallos' Crew," no that'd be far too convenient. He took a few steps into the crowd, weaving his way through the fighting. Everyone was far too engaged to pay him any mind.

"Alright, think Mylo, think," He whispered to himself, lost inside his head. "I'm just gonna hop in, try and save some people, then head back to the office. That way, Kallos won't even notice I le-"


His world was immediately turned on the 90-degree axis. A few milliseconds after, he felt the pain shoot through his head. It started at the temple, quickly radiating through his entire skull. His first sensation after the pain was nausea. Time seemed to slow down as gravity dragged him towards the floor. His eyes drifted upward, just enough to see the long metal pole stained with blood; his blood, he figured. A rugged man was holding the pole, a smug grin plastered across his face as he watched Mylo go down.

His body finally met the ground, and time seemed to return to normal. He let out a strenuous groan as his hand instinctively came to his head. It was a sticky wet feeling. Probably not good. His assailant towered over him, extending his arms out to either side of him and letting out a laugh.

"You's need to pay more attention boy!"

He raised the club over his head and slammed it down into Mylo's midsection. The wind blasted out of his lungs and he was left straining for air. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Mylo assumed the fetal position, trying to preserve his body to the best he could.

Another laugh. Mylo was getting tired of people laughing at him, though that was the least of his concerns at the moment.

"Look at me when I kill you boy," He shouted. For some reason, Mylo complied. He looked up. The sun was just overhead, causing him to squint as he waited for the final blow.

Good job Mylo. This is how you die.

The club-man seemed to enjoy taking his time, hovering over Mylo for what seemed like hours. Though, something else had caught Mylo's attention.

Is that a... bird? No, far too big.

It came out of the sun. Shooting towards the man like a meteor from orbit. It flipped in the air, then again, and then a third time. Finally, it connected, landing directly on the man's back. The only thing Mylo could make out was a flash of crimson.

Kallos? He wondered, as the club-wielding man slowly fell to his knees facing Mylo. He tried to wrap an arm around his back but to no avail. A final breath escaped his lungs and he dropped to the ground.

On his back was no Captain, though it was still a familiar face. The crimson braided hair, the matching, large eyes. She pulled a blade from the man's back, stepping atop his corpse as if it were a carpet. Mylo sat there dumbfounded, wondering whether he should thank her or cower. She did, after all, just kill someone right in front of him.

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