✨Chapter 11✨

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Pov: 3rd person

Trigger warning: Cursing



They smiled at each other and started streaming.

Y/N could tell Sam was nervous but she was sure he would be fine after 30 minutes or so into the stream. The plan for the stream was for Y/N to start the stream and then welcome Sam into the camera frame. Y/N was nervous for Sam because she knew he would get even if a little bit of hate but she had promised herself to not let Sam go on Twitter at least 2 hours after the stream. They started the stream and it was fair to say that the viewers were surprised to see Y/N instead of Sam and even more surprised at the fact that there was a face-cam. 

They started the stream and Y/N greeted the people with a smile on her face. "Hello chat!! How are we doing today? I hope you guys are doing good if not I hope we can cheer you up even a little bit. Well, as you can tell this is supposed to be a Handesomedude stream but I have decided I am going to take over the stream so deal with it." Y/N said with a huge smile on her face and her smile only grew if that was possible when Sam walked into the camera frame with a creeper mask. 
"I think not, Hello chat welcome back to another stream, Today we are doing a cooking stream and I have no idea how to cook or bake so it is really up to Y/N if my house burns down or not," Sam said with a smile invented in his voice. 
"Well, there is Handsomedude for you but yes a cooking stream, and for the record, I have only baked once in my whole life and that was the cooking stream me and Liz did."
"Why did we decide to do this again?"
"I have no idea, it was your idea I just went along with it, and I got to meet up with you so I mean I wasn't going to let down the offer,"
"Fair enough, but shall we get started on the cooking part of the stream."
"Right... we do have to do that, by the way, chat we are making a cake I think"
"That is correct m'lady we are making a cake and a surprise at some point in the stream,"
"Then shall we start good sir?"
"Of course M'lady."

At this point, the chat was going crazy and spamming the ship's name. Sam and Y/N both knew what they were doing and they made zero effort to keep it in control. The chat was wondering what the surprise was and so were their friends expect for the Dream Team and Liz, they knew what the surprise was.  Some of their friends hoped for it to be dating, but they wouldn't say that out loud. 

An hour into the stream and Y/N was waiting for Sam to do it and she knew he was going to do it soon because of how nervous he looked and he kept glancing at the chat. The batter of the cake was ready to be put into the oven and after they put the batter in the oven and turned back to the camera. Sam looked over at Y/N who gave him a reassuring and encouraging smile which helped Sam a little bit. 
"Alright, chat for the surprise," Sam walked out of the camera frame and Y/N followed and gave Sam a quick hug and went back into the camera frame, Sam took off his mask and walked back into the camera frame and Y/N was immediately by his side and yet again gave Sam a quick hug and Sam, of course, hugged her back and Y/N turned back to the camera. 
"Look at this Handsomedude," Y/N said with a grin.
"I feel like you forget about that but then you remember it and say it,"
"You would be correct, I am used to calling you Sam so I keep forgetting the name I gave you but it's fine now everybody knows that the name I gave you was for a reason,"  Y/N glanced over to the chat.


User21: Why is Y/N not surprised by seeing his face?

User198: You are right Y/N the name fits perfectly 

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