Magic lightly caressed her fingers in a black glow, sparks emitting from the glow itself in crackles of magic. Her veins darkened, threading along each vein, emitting shadows or darkness to begin emerging from the darkened space beneath her feet. Raising one hand beneath her, tracing a simple symbol in the air- in the shape of a flame- it glowed as her finger pressed the centre. A circle manifested on the ground; with a flash, a creature emerged, crawling along the floor in an inky puddle; they shook off the inky substance, white eyes blinking. Their body was quite sleek, with two horns on either side, and a forked tail. The symbol immediately disappeared. The creature looked up at [Y/N] with found fondness, throwing themselves upwards, using their claws to climb up further and stand on her shoulder.
"So, that's an imp?" Undyne asked, watching the small imp with intrigue as [Y/N] wiped down the table Undyne and Alphys occupied. Alphys raised her glasses down a little. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of this imp.
"Yes," [Y/N] spoke. "Mages can create them for any reason. Whether for fighting, battle, protection or even daily activities such as cooking or baking."
"THAT'S SO COOL!" Undyne shrieked with added enthusiasm her sharp fangs revealing themselves. Alphys nodded in agreement being too dazzled by the small imp to say much else. The small creature possibly reminded her of a character from an anime she liked, and she could not quite place from where.
[Y/N] scratched her nose and managed a small smile, scratching the inside of her wrist. "Thanks. I am unsure what to name them, though." The creature in question purred at the tender strokes given beneath their chin.
"H-How a-bout R-Rin?" Alphys asked, cheeks blushing and squeaking as both the small imp and [Y/N] stroked their chins. The imp's tail appeared to catch aflame: it was blue, pulsing and calming to watch. Even their eyes flickered light blue for a moment.
"Looks like Rin likes the name." Alphys shyly giggled to herself and blushed as Undyne placed a tender kiss upon her forehead, bringing her closer, and resting her against her chin. "I have been watching Blue Exorcist, how did you guys find it?" Alphys- as Undyne watched her with a lovestruck expression- explained in detail each aspect they liked about the series as a whole, and who they shipped together. [Y/N] and Alphys both had a debate who Rin truly should be with and the louder they became, the more laughs it stirred within the locals and usual customers.
"Now, now dearie~ You have customers awaiting your performance~"
"I am not walking with these skates on, Ruffles." [Y/N] stuck out their tongue once Muffet bared her teeth at the remarkably short mage. Ruffles had become a more prominent nickname for Muffet once [Y/N] had gone through the young spider's wardrobe, and it usually consisted of lace or ruffles. The nickname, however, made Muffet herself (in the own spider's opinion) seem far too cutesy and not show how truly terrifying she could be. Everyone knew how terrifying she could be for they had witnessed it. Being friends with monsters (who had always been sweet and kind to the young mage) was a welcoming change. It had been five years since the barrier had broke (or the portals appearing across the continent), the numerous laws banning Monster cruelty, death and peace. Well, there were still parades (disgusting) and people with signs outside Monster establishments advocating for them to be removed from the surface and be returned to the Underground. It did not stop [Y/N]'s temper from rising as she set their signs on fire, caused storms or merely caused a snowstorm. That was when she was not in control of her magic. According to Muffet (along with Undyne and Alphys) her magic smelled much like cinnamon and chocolate.

How lovely.

"Then, would you like me to tie you up?~"
With a smirk, [Y/N] replied with no ounce of regret and a simple wink, "Kinky, but no, Ruffles." Muffet narrowed her eyes and as soon as the last word spewed from [Y/N]'s mouth, the spider grabbed hold of her arm and threw her towards a pair of familiar skeletons.
"need catchin', darlin'?"
"No, I just want to fall."
"No please-" [Y/N] fell against Mutt's chest. She nuzzled her face into his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. He laughed in response, picking her up in his arms bridle style, twirling her around in a circle despite her complaints. She softly slammed her fist against his chest, groaning. Muffet was dealing with a few customers, wrapping up their orders as delicately as possible; she used one of her free arms to remove the dog treat from between Mutt's teeth and crush it in her hand, using the pieces by throwing them in the bin. Mutt had not seemed to notice since he was too busy placing a few skelly kisses against [Y/N]'s face despite her protests and giggles of delight. Berry smiled at this for a moment.

Alphys and Undyne stood; Undyne clapped Berry on the back much to his annoyance with her arm wrapped around Alphys' shoulders. "How have you two boneheads been?" Undyne asked.
Berry sighed, rotavating his hand, realised who he seemed like and growled in disgust, "BETHANY."
Undyne began to seethe. "URGH THAT BITCH!" Undyne slammed her fist against the counter and Muffet huffed. Cracks formed beneath her fist. Alphys squeaked in surprise and she attempted to calm her girlfriend's nerves by cuddling against her side and whispering something.
"is your gillfriend alright, Al?" Mutt asked, both arms around [Y/N] as he still was carrying her bridle style. They both had flushed cheeks.
"S-She w-will b-be, s-she j-just b-blames B-Bethany f-for b-being u-unable t-to s-see P-Papyrus a-and S-Sans."
Berry spoke, speaking with much more softness (which both Undyne and Alphys appreciated), "Sans Was Already Isolated From Us, And His Brother. Papyrus, On The Other Hand, Has Become Less..." He looked up at Mutt for assistance.
"less jovial. less positive. he barely goes out unless its with that bitch and to train with Blue. even then, he seems rattled." Undyne's eyes widened. Surely, the positive, happy, kind Papyrus had not become as secluded or even more secluded than Sans himself? But, neither Mutt or Berry would lie about such a thing. They were always incredibly honest. That is what she liked about them. They did not sugar-coat the truth.
"That's what she does, " [Y/N] admitted.
Berry patted her head and ran his fingers between her locks. "YOU WERE QUITE MEEK WHEN YOU FIRST ARRIVED. IN FACT, I NEARLY KILLED YOU." He smirked. [Y/N] huffed, slapping away his hand from her locks.
"Do not say that so fondly, Blackberry."

"Yes, that's why I called you it, you sour Berry."

"-Fight me-"
"...If there was a prize, would you agree to fighting me?" Mutt laughed into his hand. [Y/N] was able to affect his brother's soul so much he became 'softer', and showed more of his caring side- he always had been, but he had to hide that side of himself when he was within a more violent domain. Berry's face crinkled, he began to think a little, with his fingers softly scratching beneath his chin. A smirk perked up across his face. Muffet herself laughed into her hand and gave an expression which read 'this is acceptable'."I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE, MAGE. NOT THAT I WILL LOSE. WHAT WILL THE PRIZE BE?"
"Anything you want. Well, as long as it is morally acceptable. Now, outside." They both turned to Mutt as they said that; Mutt began to pout, and he pointed at Berry's face (which was slightly flushed, with a more impish smirk) but [Y/N] quirked their eyebrow in confusion. Undyne and Alphys followed [Y/N] outside, both excited to see this 'fight' take place.

"you are goin' to ask for a kiss, ain't ya?" Mutt mused.
Berry jumped. He scratched his cheek with one of his fingers. "YES, I SUPPOSE I WAS. NEVER SPEAK OF THIS."
"no promises." Berry scowled, with a hint of a smile. Wow, she truly had him wrapped around her finger and he did no

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