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Aimee felt like an idiot for pushing Simon away after he had kissed her the other day. She knew she liked him a lot. But she was worried that the heartbreak from losing her brother would stop her from moving on.

When she woke that morning, she walked downstairs. Aimee made herself some coffee. She saw a text from Esmè;

'Come over please. I'm bored and been awake too long - Esmè x'

Aimee smiled. She downed her coffee and went to get dressed.

Aimee went to Esmè's. Esmè let her in and smiled. "Thank you. Someone normal is here," she said.

"What's up?"

"My daughter is running round a pair of knickers on her head saying she's superman. I don't know where she came from," Esmè said.

Aimee smiled. She walked into the house and saw Darcie. "Hey cutie."

"Did mine mummy tells you to comes cause I has pants on mine head?" Darcie asked.

Aimee nodded. "She did. She told me you're superman. I didn't know you were a boy."

Darcie frowned. "I not. I has lady bits. I can't show you cause my mummy tells me I can't show nobody them."

Aimee nodded. "Good girl. You don't ever have to show anyone your lady bits."

Esmè smiled. "Hey. I don't suppose you could watch her for a couple hours could you? I have to go to an appointment. I found out I'm pregnant. But I'm booked in for... one of them and it's today. Max won't have her," she said.

"Course I will."

Simon arrived outside of Esme's house. He walked in and saw Aimee sitting there. "Hey. What's going on?" He asked.

"I'm watching Darcie. Esmè had to go out."

Simon nodded. He sat down next to her and sighed. "So I know you're going through a lot right now. But I just wanted you to know that I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for you to be comfortable with us. I know you've been through so much. And I'm willing to wait for you."

Aimee smiled and looked at him. She knew things with them both were a mess. But she knew she wanted them to work. She sighed. "I'm sorry for the other night. I just felt like it was all happening too quickly. I do like you. I just... I don't know."

Simon took her hand. He smiled. "We can take this slow of you want to. We don't have to rush anything at all," he told her.

Aimee nodded. She cuddled into him. Simon smiled as Darcie walked in. "You not my mummy. Why you here?" She asked.

"To make your tongue wag.  I came to see you."

"Otay. But why is mine Aimee cuddling you?"

Simon smiled. "Because friends hug friends. You okay with that?"

Darcie shrugged. She walked back into the kitchen and came back five minutes later with an armful of chocolate. Simon smirked. "Is that for you?"

"No. Mine Aimee too."

Simon nodded. He saw how good Aimee was with his niece and smiled. He knew he wanted to have a family with her in the future. But could he help her over the heartache of losing her brother?

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