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Aimee was returning to work for the first time since losing Tom. She knew it wouldn't be easy at all. But she had to earn a living.

When she woke that morning, she saw a text from Simon;

Can we talk today? - Simon x

Aimee had been avoiding him since she had kissed him. She felt like she was grieving and he was there.


Aimee arrived at work and saw Simon. He was standing with a girl and the little she remembered was his niece.

"Aimee. Come here."

Aimee sighed and walked over. Simon smiled. "This is my sister. Esmè. Esmè this is Aimee Clarkson. She's the sister of Tom," Simon said as she looked between the two women. "And this little madam who's having a tantrum is Darcie."

Aimee smiled. She knew that she had met Darcie. But that was before a tantrum. Esmè smiled. "Don't mind her. She's just upset cause her daddy told her off this morning."

Aimee smiled. "She's a cutie. I actually thought Simon was her dad," she told Esmè.

Esmè laughed and shook her head. "No. Simon helps me out with her. Her dad is in Rochdale. He didn't move up here. He FaceTimes madam everyday and she swore."


Aimee stood outside Tom's old classroom. She felt a tear slip down her cheeks and sighed. She didn't want to even go in there. All she wanted was her brother back. She felt so alone.

Aimee made her way to the staffroom. Christine smiled as she saw Aimee. "Welcome back Aimee. It's good to see you."

"Thanks Christine. It's good to be back. I know Tom wouldn't want me moping at home," Aimee said.

She walked over to Esmè in the corner. "I didn't know you worked here?" She asked.

"I had an interview when you were off. You're looking at the new dance teacher," Esmè said.

Aimee smiled and nodded. She sighed. She felt so weird being at the school without her brother. She felt so broken.


Simon walked into the classroom where Aimee was. He smiled. "I think we need to talk."

Aimee sighed and nodded. "If it's about the kiss, I'm sorry. I just... i was upset about my brother and I don't know what I was thinking."

"Hey now. I don't regret it Aims. It was good," Simon said as he looked at her.

Aimee sighed and looked at him. "But it shouldn't have happened. I was grieving and I don't want to complicate anything. It's not right at all," she told him.

Simon looked over at her. He knew that there was a connection between them. But he also knew that Aimee was still mourning the loss of her brother.


Aimee went to the pub. She smiled when she saw Esmè. "Hey. Is the little cutie okay?" She asked.

Esmè nodded. "Yeah. She's okay. My mum and dad are here so she's with them for the night. She misses her daddy so it's why she's acting up," she told her.

Aimee smiled. She looked around and saw Simon. She walked over to him. "Can we talk?" She asked.


The two of them went outside. Aimee looked at him. "Deep down that kiss meant something to me. But... I'm hurting over my brother and now that I'm alone, I need to look after myself," she said.

Simon smiled. "Well then how about we get to know each other? As friends."

But little did they know that their just friends was going to change.

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