The Allen Sisters

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Well this one shots is one of the must hilarious and rare I have ever done, sorry if there is some mistake in the writing I promise that later I will correct it. For now that's all, let's enjoy this unique one shot which for some reason was on my head for weeks and after this long weekend of writing I have finished it. Anyway, vote and comment guys, it helps me more than you think :)*

A new morning raised in Central City as it was a beautiful day outside with great weather. At the Allen Residency Barry was finishing from taking a shower after waking up for another day of school, but this time he was in a great mood. Well he was in a good one every day as he liked to study in school his favorite subjects which were Math, Physics and Chemistry to which he approved with ease as he had a good ability to understand everything without a problem. This time it was different because Barry's happiness wasn't for studying, it was for someone at his school who not so back ago confessed his feelings for and to his luck she accepted and confessed back to him admitting that she liked him as well making the boy almost cheer and jump from the happiness.

For Barry it was the first time he liked a girl and dated too, he from now on couldn't stop thinking about her. Since they both met he had no eyes for another girl, Kara Danvers was her name and for him being all in love thought it was such a perfect name for a beautiful girl too. He had it badly and well he didn't hide it when they where together at their high school with his friends Cisco, Oliver and Mike pretty much messed with him about how he always stared at her and zone out with a stupid smile too glancing at the blonde girl in their free periods as Barry and Kara didn't shared all their classes which made both sad.

As he finished brushing his teeth and doing his hard with some cologne as well after Oliver and Mike told him in a form of advice to wear some to make him look better than he already was and maybe capture some girls attention which in the end turned out well. Barry walked down with a smile on his face now ready to start his day at school, as he got into the table he saw his father Henry reading the newspaper and taking a zip from his cup of coffee. Then his mother Nora walked with a jar of juice for breakfast which was some pancakes, scrabble eggs and also bread that gave the young boy a big stomach starving. They were not the only ones sitting on the table with his parents to join him and them on their breakfast period, suddenly three girls sat down happily taking some food too for their own.

"There you are my beautiful boy. I thought I needed to walk all the way to your room and take you out of bed. It's almost late and you need to eat your breakfast Barry." Nora said, glancing at his son with a relieved voice as she saw the clock and it was almost time for him to go to school. She started to put some food on her own plate as well.

"Sorry mom I just needed to do something first before coming down for breakfast, it was important. But don't worry here I am and now I can eat something so you don't worry if I have enough energy for my day to succeed." Barry said without any issue and a sorry smile, telling his mother Nora about he being maybe busier enough to make his parents worried about him being late even if he was never late to school, he had that record to date.

"Don't laugh at me for that I'm just looking out for you Barry, I won't be able to hold myself if something happens to you. I may be a bit insisten with this but just remember that breakfast is the most important plate for everyone and I like to see my family healthy." Nora replied again, saying to her son about how she wanted him to be healthy and okay without any single problem. And adding to that Barry was their only son in their family which was something she made her so happy, finally she and her husband had a son making Nora very protective over him, luckily for her but not so much for Barry she wasn't the only one who was protective over him.

"Hey little brother." Gianna said with a smile while hugging Barry just like she always does in the morning before school, they had a really good relationship even though she was now studying in college in her first year as well at the age of 20.

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