Chapter 8

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**Chapter 8: Deal or No Deal***

I was woke from my nice sleep when I felt someone poking my arm.

"Beyonce, Ma'am." Julius' voice rang through my ears.

I opened my eyes to him standing beside my bed, hovering over me.

"Yes Julius?"

"We have to be at Jay-Z's house in fifteen minutes and it's a ten minute drive." He explained.

"Thanks Julius you're a lifesaver!"

I ran into the bathroom. I took a really quick shower and threw on some black joggers, a white crop top, a black zip-up hoodie, and my black timberland boots. I blow dried my hair and brushed it. I left it as it is since it is straight already. After I got everything I need I ran to the escalate waiting for me.

After a 1o minute drive we arrived at Jay's house.

I spotted another escalate in the front which I'm guessing was for the other girl. Rabbit? Rudy? No its Robyn. Yeah, that's it.

I knocked on the door and one of Jay's maids opened the door which surprised me. He answers the door any other time, but he's being a little bitch nigga. I'll let it slide though.

When I walked into the living room I seen a laughing Jay and Robyn.

As I got closer I noticed Jay's hand on Robyn's thigh but he quickly removed it when he made eye contact with me. I put on a fake smile as he got up to greet me.

"Oh someone finally made it." He said sarcastically while shaking my hand

"Sorry I over slept." I apologized

"It's alright, Robyn was good company."

"I bet she was." I said under my breath.

"What was that?" Jay questioned.

"I said, don't you want to properly introduce me to Robyn or do I have to be the mature one and do it myself?"

"Salty ma?"

I rolled my eyes at him and then stepped around him and looked at Robyn.

"Hey, I'm Beyoncé." I said extending my hand to her

"I'm Robyn. " She said shaking my hand a little tighter than expected.

She's cute. Not nothing to be worried about. She has long natural brown curly hair. She's small and petite. She might wear a b cup at the most and I don't know about her ass because she's sitting down. I defiantly do not see her as any type of competition.

I awkwardly chuckled and let go of her hand. Then the room fell into this uncomfortable silence while we all just stared at the wall which was an off white. It really complemented the room and colors perfectly.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said excusing myself from the unbearable silence.

I went to the bathroom really just
to leave the room. However after a couple minutes I walked back to the living room hoping the silence was gone.

The closer I got the more I heard talking and laughing, thank God!

"Aye Jay how you been man?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

When I walked around the corner I laid eyes on...Daymon? I haven't seen him in forever! Aside from Kelly and Solange he was the only friend I had when I was younger. I was quiet and kept to myself but some how he managed to break through my shell.

"Honey Bee?!" He asked with his jaw on the floor.

"Day Day?!" I replied with the same excitement.

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