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Some men want to see the world burn.

It's the sad truth in which everybody who dares step foot on this planet learn eventually. Man and peace simply cannot stand side by side. In the world we live in, nobody's right and nobody's wrong, but unfortunately some people's brains have yet to evolve past it's earliest primitive state and can't seem to accept this.

Some can walk outside, knock on their neighbors door and when they open it shoot them dead. Some can't even hurt a fly, there's no such thing as standing in between the two, that is of course you may have a severe mental disorder and have split personalities. Other than that though it's impossible.

The world I've lived in all my whole life has been a good example of this. A world filled with the super natural, a world where some are blessed and others aren't. Some will be born with the ability to crumble the tallest buildings, some will be born with the ability to know all, and some will be born watch he world burn.

It truly is hypocritical if you think about it, for a example when hero goes out onto the street telling everybody that they'll protect them and not to fear, but when they don't get a good quirk match up, their the ones panicking, and what always makes a what I like to call, person with common sense laugh because there's never a person to tell them not to panic. You see, their not afraid of the lives of others, most of the time their afraid of the camera.

Some times a camera can be more dangerous then a gun, due to this, they coward away and wait till someone else handles the situation and come in at the end and soak in the spot light. They are nothing more then self righteous bastards who think the job of a hero is a normal office job where most of the time your working it for the money when in reality it's not.

The job of a hero is to make sure that the citizens can live in peace. It's your duty to put your life in the line even when the odds are turned against you. Whether you possess the weak ability to cry gold compared to a person who can shoot laser beams out their eyes. When you sign up to become a hero, your life should not be your main priority.

While yes it's not good to be reckless and get your self killed but when the situation calls for it, you being a coward will always have its cause and effect.

Like I said, the world I live in is a corrupted one and will only keep getting corrupter as things like this keep happening.

My name is Izuku, just Izuku and this is my stupid ass story on how I coped with this world my whole life.

Here's a good place to begin my story.

I was ten at the time and I had just stolen a carton of pork fried rice from a trio of men, and let me tell you something, they were angry.

Why did I you may ask, well when your ten and have no one to support you, you get pretty desperate, and in the heat of the moment, I didn't care. So I readied a specific power that has gotten me many places and I went for it. I blitz then and ran as a quick as my tiny legs could carry me.

Blitz was and is still one of my favorite quirks to use even today. It allows the user to propel their body's at speeds that make it hard for the human eye to see. I know it sounds complicated it trust me it isn't. When you train enough with it it and learn to catch your balance quick enough, it's best described as a strong force pushing you forward sending you at great speeds.

So once I blitzed them and took their food, I used another favorited quirk of mine spring step, which makes it so that when you take a step, much like a spring when you compress it down and let your hand go, it shoots your foot up and so it's a great quirk for speed and maneuverability when used right. So when I activated it, I started gains much Morse distance from them and started cutting corners in alley ways to loose them but sadly enough after about 5 minutes of playing cat and mouse they started catching up and soon enough I was yanked back by my hair.

I was thrown harshly at the wall and slid down it, scraping my back, but I didn't allow my discomfort show.

"You little punk, you think you can steal our meal and run away with some puny speed quirk?" I didn't say anything and I kept my head down, this only angered the men more. One of them had had a quirk that let them stretch their tongue they wrapped it around my neck squeezing it tightly and surprisingly lifted me up off the ground.

"You look at us when we're talking to you, you understand stand!", the one with the tongue told me harshly. I was kicking and pulling at the tongue to get some air but it was to no avail and it only made them laugh.

One of them had a rhino like nose and spoke up "So what are we gonna do with him boys, we play catch with his head, or just leave him here to rot?" When he said this I started to panic, especially when the one who pulled his hair who's quirk allows him to set his hair on fire got a crazed grin on his face.

"I quess we should play a good old game of catch", the one with the fire hair said and so once he said that, I decided enough was enough and let loose two of his quirks hypertrophy which allows me to enlarge my arm and strength enhancement which allows me to increase my strength four times its original and pried the tongue of enough to breath, which shocked the three men enough to make them freeze in place, after greedily taking big gulfs of hair in I activated multiplier which allows me to grow arms form my body and stretchable limbs which lets me stretch my limbs an extra ten feet and shot three of them out my back and with out any hesitation I laid my hand on any exposed part of there body and pulled.

I took one of the many things that make them who they are, their quirk. I took their quirks and all of them screamed out in agony and all dropped to the ground, hopefully unconscious.

I fell to the ground right in my ass and reared back in the the quirks. My head was spinning and it hurt like hell, I remembered I tried to stand up but I fell right back down. I said to my self "This is gonna take awhile", and so I sat there, with my pounding head, just waiting for the pain to recede.

If I'm correct eventually it gets tolerable and I got up and I left the area to go back home.

I leaned my lessons that day, and it's don't tamper with something unless you know you can handle the outcome. Truth be told I could have died that day, but luck was in my side due to the fact that I didn't.

One thing you may be asking is how do I have all these quirks, how did I seem so smart and tolerant towards what transpired, well that's because of a quirk in which I never knew I had when growing up and that quirk was brain enhancement. It made my brain produce a large number of non-neuronal cells called glia for every neuron, or nerve-transmitting cell in my brain.

It was truly a remarkable quirk, and due to this, I was able to think, solve, and do many things better then the average ten year old. Though of course I didn't know this so I always thought it was a gift I was born with.

I sure was a fool.

Oh and for the quirks, Well I'm not quite sure really.

Though enough of that nonsense, you may be thinking well were did you go after the pork fired rice accident, well I just went back to my hide out, which was located in a abandoned warehouse basement. It was like a bunker and in there I had my laptop, a metal table with four chairs on each side with one having my personal chair with padding and handles, and a thin mattress with a pillow and blanket on a metal bed frame. I typically used the laptop for searching the news to see where the best places to find food are. I was smart enough to know that you could never be too careful.

I laid in my bed with my still throbbing head and snuggled in my blanket, but once I did this I passed out.

Growing up I didn't know my mother. She was never in my life and I remember I was always told by my father that she left me because she didn't want to take care of me. Everything was confusing growing up, I never remembered my pass growing , it wasn't until I was 16 that everything became clear to me.

But when I was 10, it was one big mystery. My quirk though has been one of the biggest mysteries my whole life but sometimes.......it feels like it's a clue.

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