The Mask

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I kept running, running like my life depended on it. Well I guess that just dumb to say considering the fact that I was.

I fucked up and was paying the price. God damn finger gun quirk, I was confronted by some street punks because I stole the quirk of one of their little gang members. When confronted, I fought them off for the most part but that damn asshole with the damn quirk of his, his hand worked like a staple gun, his finger tips would pop open and he could shoot little medal pellets at people and the annoying part was the fact that they shot very quick and he could the keep them coming

Son of a bitch sprayed and sprayed when I got up close and that caused me to get some nasty gashes on my cheeks and a nice slice on the right side of my forehead. Then this happened I closed my eyes and that gave the punk with his tiger like mouth to bite down on my my left leg and sink his teeth in my flesh and so I opened my eyes, spewed fire out my mouth and let's just say, if he doesn't get medical help soon, he'll most likely die.

As I was running down the dark street, I hear one of them call out "YOU LITTLE SHIT. COME BACK HERE SO I CAN CARVE YOUR EYES OUT!" She must've been close to the man who's quirk I stole because she was pissed. It didn't help that her quirk was some sort of speed quirk because she was just about fifteen feet away which was not sitting well with me.

I cut corner after corner, and did what ever I could, but she was too fast and tackle me to the ground. I was trying to pry her off me so that the others couldn't catch up, I used 'strength enhancement' to punch her in the face which helped me get back on my feet but she got back up quickly and she ran at me, this led to me having to use 'spring like legs' and 'blitz' to dodge. She was breathing heavily and I knew that if this kept up,   the others would catch up so I used her condition to my advantage and ran at her and grappled on to her.

She kept struggling so I used 'lasso tongue' to keep her in place and started pulling on her quirk. A red hue covered my hands and before you know it, I stole her quirk. When I let go of her, she plopped down on the ground, almost unconscious and that when the others arrived.

There was only two left, the one with the pellet shit and the other one had a quirk that caught my attention, it seemed to be some sort of super breath quirk because next thing you know he shot a decent sized amount of air at me which I just narrowly dodged but one thing I couldn't dodge was the pellets heading my way and the went strait through my shoulder.

"AHHH" I screamed out in pain while I clutched my shoulder. These two made such a annoying duo and I was getting fed up with it. I took a deep breath and blew as much fire as I could produce at him but unfortunately it was dispersed by a blast of wind. My heart started racing faster and faster due to the fact I was running out of choices.

I decided to test out the quirk I just stole. Once activated I sprinted forward, but I noticed I wasn't  moving faster, so when I saw medal pellets being carried even faster by a blast of wind coming at me, I used 'blitz' to get out the way, but I noticed something, when I was done using it and started running at the pellet guy I was moving faster then usual, as if something was making me faster. That's when I remembered the speed quirk, almost as if when I used 'blitz' it caused me to be given newly found speeds

That's when it hit me, blitz gives me crazy momentum and launches me away fast. The speed quirk must've worked by using the user's given momentum to speed up the body after, almost like it stockpiles the momentum. This was perfect, I was even faster now, and as such I was able to get in the pellet guys guard and by combining 'hypertrophy' and 'strength enhancement' I knocked the man out.

I turned to the wind guy and by combining 'spring like legs, 'blitz', and what I like to call 'momentum stockpile', I rushed the guy and tackled him. Once on top I took my already enlarged hand and put it over his face so he couldn't breathe. A red hue covered my hands and I stole his quirk, but I didn't stop there. The fear of him getting back up led to me not letting go and so I started crushing his head and he started to squirm. After a full minute of this, he eventually past out. With his head slightly crushed, he started to bleed, he would most likely die.

I started walking towards the pellet man and crouched down, and once again the red hue covered my hands and I stole his quirk. After ward I enlarged my hand, grabbed him by the hair, and accompanied by 'strength enhancement' I slammed the back of his head into the pavement.

When I was done, I walked away, wanting it to be done with, but before I could get away, my eyes lingered on the women, wanting it to be done, I used 'super breath' 'fire breath' and 'high temperature resistance' to create a strait forward bright orange stream of fire to incinerate her.

I really needed rest.

I was thirteen at the time and a lot happened since the pork fried rice incident. I had new quirks at my disposal.

I was changing, everything by then was becoming easier, but I still has one problem, I couldn't have my face being known to everybody. If my face got leaked some how or even worse, made its way on the news, I was fucked.

Let's make out way an hour after the incident.

I was exhausted, my through and lungs burned with a passion but they were healed regardless thanks to 'minor regeneration'. I was walking down the street and knew if I wanted to get home and not be questioned by some sort of underground hero, I should pick up the paste.

As I was about to though, something caught my eye. It was a fine black and white tuxedo with a black tie. It was being displayed in window of a clothing store that seemed to be for rich people. I wanted to just get on with my day but something about it just wouldn't let me walk away. I walked up to it and placed my hand on the window.

It was then when I knew......I wanted it and now.

The store was shut down but the security cameras were still rolling so I went in and destroyed each and every one of them. I went to the security room in the back were I saw a two computer screens that had four split static screens on each one. I did my magic and deleted the footage. This wasn't my first time breaking in to a store like this.

Once done I looked at the suit. I stood at a height of five feet six inches and was one hundred and thirty pounds so this suit wouldn't fit.

After an hour of picking out suits, I found my size, and with a couple extra for the future I left. I even grabbed a good looking silver watch and a couple of hats and had them all on a couple of bags.

Once out the store I took of in a full on sprint. As I was running however, I noticed that once I reached what I would day is a mile out from the store I saw a costume shop a little bit in the distance. I knew that if I was gonna get a mask, it'd be here. So I did the same thing, destroyed the camera's and deleted the footage, and once done I looked at my options. There were all sorts of them, you had an all might, endeavour, hawks, you name it, but one caught my eye and it was a white mask with black straps and it had a a fat smile and long standing up circle eye holes. It had thick material and I knew it'd be perfect.

I got back to my little hide out and went to my mirror. I undressed and put on my new suit and mask. I was happy with this and all I needed now was a name.

I sat down on my bed and thought of everything that transpired through out my life. While most was a blur, everything I've done with my quirk and what not wasn't.

"Hmmm maybe lender, no no that's too bad, what about stealer, nah to cliche what about...............that's it!"

I didn't know what to call my self really. I never nee I'd get this far with my life, so I knew that I had to pick a name that would reach out to others including my self.

That's when it hit me, it sounded stupid worked.

"I'll call myself Calamity" After that I changed into more comfortable clothing and went to sleep with out knowing that the name I chose, would shape the very world he walked on.

Next chapter will be even better!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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