7| Isabella

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Days went by and my birthday ball got closer and closer. My father was still on strict don't-go-outside mode, so I had been confined to the castles walls.

I had tried just about everything to help with the boredom of being inside, from crocheting to cooking. to making Xavier bring me petals from the garden.

Being confined didn't help the fact that I was being kept here and away from important matters. Such as meetings and patrol.

However a certain someone was making it harder for me to deal with staying in the castle.

"So Princess Isabella, are you excited to find your mate?" Alpha Frederick asked, he sat across from me on the dining table. His blonde hair was neatly combed back, and the suit he wore screamed 'Im trying to impress.'

I tightly smiled. "No, I suppose I haven't had time to think of a mate," I said, though I didn't want to think about a future someone who wouldn't want to be with me. "Oh really? That's odd most female werewolves would love the idea of a mate." I sighed, irritated by his questions. The bottle of wine that sat at the center of the table seemed extremely appealing right now.....

"Alpha Frederick, I am sure the ball will give you a great opportunity to find a mate." I said, plopping a string bean in my mouth. Xavier watched from the corner of the room, he had met with my father on countless occasions— more than me in this past week, and not too long ago as well, to speak about the ball and my escort for the ball. At least that's what I was told. "Ah yes, I do hope a turning of age she-wolf will bat her eyes towards me,"

My eyes widened as a cough took up all my senses, I sure as hell hope he isn't fucking talking about me "Yeah, I hope you find her," I said, trying to get everything out of the wrong pipe.

The rest of the dinner was awkward, my father joined us halfway through dinner, though he didn't say anything to me or Frederick. It was odd, my father always greeted me and kept me updated with pack news, but after the incident he shut everyone out, even Dorothy.

Which I wasn't complaining on that one.

I finished the last of my smashed potatoes and scooted my chair back, the light gown I wore started to feel heavy against my skin. "Isabella before you go,"

My fathers voice cut through the silence, his deep thoughtful face looked at me. Finally after days he glanced at me. "You will continue to stay in the castle, the council has declared it unsafe for you to be dealing with matters such as border patrol. I hope you can find companionship with one of our few guest" He said, finishing his sentence by taking a sip of his red wine

I tried not to get angry, my composure had to be held in front of the guest. Though the more my dad and I looked into each other, the more angry I got.

"Thank you for your concern your highness, however I am not ruled by the council, I am ruled by myself until I become of age." I said and bowed respectfully in front of the Alpha King, my mind ran in circles as many buried memories came into life.

I had always chosen to forgive my father, my forgiveness paved our path as he became more open and lovely with me. Though throughout a period of time he completely neglected me. After my mother's death, he completely left me alone— not thinking that as he had just lost a mate, I lost both parents.

I could feel the tingle of my beast wanting to get out, it was nights like this, when the moon was almost full that my beast craved to be let loose. I somehow managed to get to my room, my feet had a mind of their own as I stomped my way though the halls.

I pushed the bedroom door open and slammed it shut as hard as I could— well almost slammed it shut.

His hand wrapped around the doorknob. I glared at it, angry that my father hadn't heard my displeasure.
"You will be without a door at this rate Princess. Let us remember to be kind to others." His smart tone annoyed me more that I already was. We both entered the room as he lightly closed the door behind, leaving us in complete silence.

I sat down on my bed, pulling the pesky heels I wore off. "Doors don't have feelings you know"

He hummed in agreement. "I wasn't talking about the door."

Fuck the door

"I want to be alone tonight." I said, not even his blanket of warmth could help with the tightness of my chest.

It was quiet for a little while, I struggled to untie the laces that wrapped around my legs. "As you wish your majesty."

He bowed before stepping outside of the room. The tightening of the lock could be heard.

He locked me in?

I sighed, plopping back into the bed. I could still smell him outside the door, his presence as clear as day.

I hadn't realized I was laying down in his bed until I threw the sheet on me.

Crying was something I didn't allow my self to indulge on, crying was weak

But at this moment in time, the only thing that could keep me from going absolutely insane was letting the tears pour down.

I hated being weak

I hated being a burden

I hated my self.

This was all my fault, my mothers death, my fathers disappointment.

All of it my fault.

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