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We both agreed on watching the movie Luca. Alex got us both some blankets and pillows and we sat on her bed. Dang these blankets were really soft! While watching the movie I was feeling really sleepy, but I forced myself to stay awake because I didn't want to miss the movie... or wake up in an odd position. I looked over at Alex to see she was also really tired, I wondered if I should've asked her if we could pause the movie and just sleep but that would be no fun.

After a while, the movie ended. It was a really good movie and I enjoyed it a lot! I hope Alex did too. I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts and heard Alex say something, "Hey Charli, it's gotten pretty late, we should sleep now!"  I agreed and we both got ready to sleep. I got up off her bed to sleep on the little couch thing she has in her room next to her bed. We both went to sleep, well not really. I couldn't sleep properly. It's really hard for me to sleep somewhere that isn't my bed. I didn't know what to do so I just tried to close my eyes and fall asleep... but that didn't work. I didn't want to wake Alex up, she looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. Usually she'd have her hair done in a style with two ponytails on the side, but she looks so cute with her hair down. She looks so huggable right now.

Since I couldn't really sleep, I went on my phone and watched some cute videos of squirrels. I then fell asleep on my phone. It was the next morning and I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Alex. She was already dressed. "Hey Charli! I made some breakfast for us, I'll give you some time to get washed up then you can come downstairs and eat! You can use my bathroom by the way." She said. "Thanks Alex! I'll try and hurry up." I got my stuff and went into her bathroom to get ready.  I was done and went downstairs to see her sitting down at the table. I head over to the table and saw she already put my plate out for me with food in it, she is so sweet!  I started to eat the food. "So, what should we do today? We already recorded the video for today and tomorrow." I asked her. She replied "Well, I was thinking about going out for a spa day! What do you think?" "Sure! That sounds like a good idea, I mean we have nothing else to do."

lol..sorry for the wait I didn't think anyone would see this. Love you guys ☺️☺️

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