Ch.8 Cute

457 35 16

■Y/N's POV■

The lecture has ended and everyone is busy tidying their stuff. I put my books inside my bag, but my eyes are watching solely at my phone.

Is Goshiki busy?

Hanami: Y/N... you've been staring at your phone since you woke up... just text him again...

Y/N: e-eh no... it's uh I just...

Hanami is right, I've been waiting for Goshiki's text. Last night, after I arrived at home, I sent a message to Goshiki, asking whether he's already home or not. But Goshiki hasn't reply.

Y/N: um.. maybe he's busy... I... don't want to bother him...

Hanami: but you're literally dying to get a reply from him...

Y/N: it's just... I'm worried... because last night, he was drenched...

The image from last night when Goshiki  covers me with his jacket. How his face was so close to mine makes my heart skips a beat.

Hanami: I sense something might happened again last night...

I can feel my face grew warm.

Y/N: i-it doesn't matter... let's just uh go home...

Hanami: Hey! Don't push mee

I pushes Hanami and we both get out of the classroom.

Y/N: I guess we can go groceries shopping...

Hanami: kay~ but I'll make you to spill the bean latter...

As we both walk to the market.

Nejima: ah, Tsutomu's childhood cr- friend... remember me? Tsutomu's roomate

We were about to get inside the market when I hear someone said Goshiki name. I look back and see a familiar man with a lady.

Goshiki's roommate? Um his name...

Y/N: ah, Kamato Nejima san?

Nejima: yep right,

Y/N: hello...

I bow my head.

Nejima:  no need to be so formal there haha, my buddy's friend is my friend as well, ah this is my girlfriend

Iruna: hello~ Misaki Iruna here

I greet Kamato's girlfriend, when suddenly I sense that Hanami step forward and stand net to me.

Y/N: ah Kamato san, Misaki san, this is Hanami, my roomate.

Hanami: hi there, nice to meet you guys... sl, you're the volleyball player's roomate?

Nejima: yes, I am

I can feel than Hanami's hand on my back.

Hanami: okay great, you know where your roomate is? Cuz my sweet girl here has been dying to know why Goshiki hasn't reply to her ch-

Y/N: Hanami!!!

I covers her mouth as she's saying those things. How could he just expose me to Goshiki's friend. I hear Nejima laughs.

Nejima: ahaha great, kinda glad to hear that you're waiting for his chat..

I can feel my face grew warm.

Nejima: well, the thing is don't think that that volley freak avoids you... Tsutomu is unwell, I was woken up at 3 a.m hearing grunts and found that he has a higj fever.

Y/N: oh no...

Is it because he was drenched last night?

Y/N: um... has he seen a doctor?

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