Los Angeles didn't change despite we'd spent almost two months far away from the city: the sun and hot weather, traffic jams, overcrowded supermarkets and lines at coffee shops were waiting for us. Vera went back to her gym to check everything was all right and greeted her clients with Aren nipping at her heels always despite suffering jet lag. The truth is that they both had lot of things to talk about: what they should do with her apartment since she was spending more time in our house, how to adjust to the vampire's schedule and how to explain her employees that she wasn't going to work in the mornings because she was sleeping, most likely.
I was very busy too. Marcus decided that the incident with John shouldn't ruin our holidays and we'd visited Rome and Florence as he promised, we also went shopping to Milan and we said goodbye in that city. My father-in-law looked sad but tried to hide it although Dario stared at him worried and I knew we needed to go back to visit them soon. I knew the French vampire had a beautiful house with a garden in a little village near Paris and, since I was planning to visit my family in Christmas, I suggested we should meet there and spend some days together. Marcus smiled happily when hearing me and we left him talking to Dario about museums, restaurants, picturesque villages and other ideas.
Despite traveling with vampires that can control minds makes things easier, it's still exhausting and I took a shower and jumped in bed when we arrived home. But the next day I had to clean the house, open windows, go grocery shopping, make dinner, clean the garden... I was so overwhelmed that Terra and Ruby offered to help after going to the blood bank to fill their fridge. Everything looked perfect only five days later, jet lag wasn't a problem anymore and we had adjusted to routine again. I even made a celebration dinner and the five of us eat it in the outdoor dining room under the starry sky, laughing and remembering some anecdotes about our holidays.
But there was something bothering me, something floated in the air, no one talked about it but it was always present: the conversion issue. I knew I had to do it sooner or later, I'd promised it to Terra and besides, it didn't make sense to wait anymore when things were pretty clear between us, they were my perfect mates, I loved them and wanted to spend the rest of my life with them. But something was holding me back: turning into a vampire meant leaving my human family behind, not immediately buy if did it, there was no coming back. It was my decision, my girls weren't trying to pressure me, but Vera had cornered me in a dressing room of Versace store while the vampires were waiting outside and suggested we should do it at the same time so we could go through the adaptation period together. She was ready and was waiting for my decision to tell Aren.
"Damn it, why do I have to overthink so much?" I whispered angrily shoving the last pan in the cabinet before taking a look around. The kitchen was clean and dinner ready but it was early to eat. I wondered where my precious vampires were and walked slowly to the office knowing that Terra would be there.
"I simply cannot believe it... How could he let his mate die? It's horrible..." Ruby asked appalled and I got closer to the door, watching through a crack. The beautiful woman with green eyes was pacing up and down her sister's office, so upset she didn't hear me moving, while Terra was smoking near the French doors leading to the garden. I was able to see her tattooed hand and the cigarette... "Can you picture it in your mind? Sitting down there, doing nothing, while Iselen is dying on a mattress... I can't even imagine it... John is crazy, seriously."
"I know... And you're right, it's impossible for me to picture it in my mind..." Her sister answered while Ruby held back a sob and my heart skipped a beat when feeling her sadness. I opened the door immediately and ran to her arms, holding her against my body while she hid her face in my neck. Her delicious fruity perfume wrapped my mind and I heaved a happy sigh.
"I'm here, babe, alive..."
"It's terrible..."
"I know, Ruby, John is absolutely nuts but he won't bother us anymore. It's over... Honey..." I whispered out of breath. "I need to breathe..."
The Housekeeper (Ruby Rose/Terra Juana fanfic)
FanfictionHow did I become the housekeeper of this bloodsuckers group? You can say I'm a privileged.