Chapter 2!!

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Heyy lolz!! I'm so excited for this chapter I hope you enjoy!

It's been a week since training. Pike got in trouble for telling us, even though most of us were willing to go, I was.

Miller opens my cell door "It's time to go to earth kid" he says looking down I could tell he was afraid. "I'm gonna survive" I grab my bag and follow after him, the kids who didn't come willingly were on cots knocked out. I smile seeing John next to me.

"Hey Reggie" he nudges me. I giggle "Hey John" they lead us to the drop ship and we all start loading on. I sit down and John next to me. A girl sits by me. Eventually everyone gets in. Abby says goodbye to her daughter and they close the doors. About 10 seconds later we take off. I close my eyes, I was terrified. I felt a cold hand grab mine, it was the girl. I opened my eyes. "It's gonna be okay" I looked at her. She had to be 13 or younger. She didn't say a word but squeezed my hand tighter as we entered atmosphere. I feel the shaking stop and our seats unbuckle. Everyone stands up, as a guard walks over to it.

"Bell?" A girl in the crowd questions him, "O?" The guard says in return. -She was the girl from the floor, I was the girl from the wall- she runs and hugs him and they talk for a second when the guard opens the door, and the girl steps on the ground slowly. "WERE BACK BITCHES" she yells and everyone runs out fast. I'm the only one left in the ship, I walk out slowly placing a foot on the grass then the other. -wow this was it we made it back to earth 97 years after it ended, no more cell, no more rules, I was free- I take a deep breath. I had to find Raven. I walk up to the guard hoping he'd know, "Hey do you know where Raven reyes is?" I question him. "I don't, pretty sure that's one of the mechanics that helped build the drop ship" he says. my heart drops "No" that meant she wasn't on earth she was on the dying ark. "Thanks." I look at him as I turn to walk away. "Wait your the girl from the wall Ravens sister right?" I stop turning back to him "Yeah I'm Reggie" I smile. "Bellamy" he smiles back "Well Bellamy, I'm gonna go explore. You should to" I smile walking off. I walk into the woods taking a deep breath -flowers- I follow the sent to beautiful white flowers I pick one putting it in my ear. And I explore a bit heading back. There's tents up and a fire started, Bellamy and John are giving out rations. I wasn't hungry so I sit down on a log by the fire. Eventually people start heading in tents, I walk into the drop ship Bellamy,his sister, Abbys daughter, John and another boy where in here. I sit down on a cot "Is there enough room for me?" I smile. "Why yes of course" John smirks and sits on the cot next to me. I lay back on the cot covering up, so does John and everyone else. I close my eyes trying to fall asleep for what seems like forever but I can't. So I get up and go outside. I hear a noise from the woods. I gulp and grab one of the spears they made. Walking towards the noise when a person jumps out of the bush. "Boo!" The boy yells. I roll my eyes throwing the spear down walking towards the drop ship, I felt a cold hand grab my wrist "Wait I'm sorry" he laughs. I turn to face him. "Your sky walker aren't you?" I say meeting his eyes. He nods yes. "What are you doing out here?" I question. "Same as you, I couldn't sleep" I shake his hand off, "Well I'm going back to bed" I look at him. "Okay girl from the wall" I grit my teeth "it's Reggie, Reyes" I smile, "Reyes?" He questions. "Yes Reyes" his eyes widen "Your Ravens little sister" I nod "Yeah? Why do you think I was arrested? For fun?" I giggle. "She's my girlfriend, was my girlfriend I don't know anymore" he looks down. "Oh I know, she blamed her sky walking on you" we start to walk back. "Well it was my idea, I didn't want her chance to be a mechanic ruined" I realize it "She never went to jail, she was never in trouble." We make it to drop ship. "Of course not" he smiles. "Night Finn" I walk into the ship and lay back down falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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