13. Liya Kim.

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Y/n's POV

I woke up and looked at time 4:30

"Ahh why is my right cheek is hurting..."

I said and looked beside Jimin sleeping peacefully then I remember that I told him that I kicked in sleep but now.

I'm fully awake but I want sleep again so I kicked him out of bed and he fall down and close my eyes and continued sleeping... I heard him saying...

Jimin : ahh why did she kicked me... Ahh its hurting..

He said and you just continued then he got up and laid on bed and slept again...

Time skip.

I woke up and gone in kitchen to make breakfast then I saw jisoo unnie what is she doing here?


I said and she came in kitchen and said...

Jisoo : y/n is this your house?

I nodded and she sigh in relief and said...

Jisoo : I thought someone kidnapped me and yoongi...
I laughed and said...

"No one can kidnapped us cause we all know how to fight..."

I said she smile and said...

Jisoo : y/n I'm going to office dad called me urgently so when yoongi will wake up give him breakfast okay...

I nodded and she left and I ate my breakfast and came in my bedroom and told him that.

"I'm going out for some work and I'll come home late..."

He nodded and I went out of house...

Jimin's POV

I eat my breakfast with hyung and going towards his room cause I was getting bored then I heard him talking on phone with someone...

Suga's POV

I was in bedroom then my phone rang I looked at the I'd and smirk and picked up the call and put it on speaker cause I know jimin is outside of the door...


Suga : why did you call me?

?? : I need your help but in personal...

Suga : okay let's meet bABy...

?? : its been years you called me baby but call me by my name when we are alone...

Suga : OK liya...

Liya : that's suit OK let's meet *** here I'm waiting...

Suga : okay bye..

Liya : hmm bye

End Call

I smirk and wear my shirt and gone out...

Jimin's POV

Who is liya???? Is he cheating on his girlfriend??? I should find out...

Then he open the door and said...

Suga : uhmm jimin thanks for letting us stay here for one night I'll get going now...

"Okay hyung bye.."

I said with fake smile and he gone out of house and drove of...

I came inside car and followed his car...

Author's POV

Yoongi came at the cafe where he was going to meet liya so he came and sat in front of her and said...

Suga : I'm here boss!

?? : I said when we are lone you are aloud to call me bye my name... Call me liya when we are alone...

She said and yoongi nodded and she quickly put her mask on and yoongi asked in confusion...

Suga : why did you wear your mask?

Then he looked behind and found jimin wearing mask looking at them he just smirk and said...

Suga : that dumb really followed me till here...

Then they continued talking... And then liya said...

Liya : you can post the news now... Then he nodded and work on her computer...

Then he done his work and said...

Suga : okay done...
She looked at him and said...

Liya : thanks... Btw let's meet tonight... Tell others also...

He nodded and they hugged and went out then they both went opposite side...

And here jimin kept thinking that who was that girl...

Jimin : what is going on I should ask y/n...

No, I can't ask her she is acting like psycho already if I tell her she will be a complete psycho...

Then he also went out of cafe and gone home...

?? POV

I was so happy that I want to celebrate but the others already had celebration yesterday...

I'll celebrate when my all targets will be dead... Then the others came and I said...

?? : you all can call me liya when we are somewhere else but when we are on mission you all will call me boss...

They all nodded and we all hugged and jin said...

Jin : but liya which surname you will use???

"Which surname y/n use?"

Jisoo : before marriage it was Han but now its Park...

"Okay then I'll use your surname... Kim Liya..."

They all looked at me and moonbyul said...

Moonbyul : boss someone spread news that Park chanyeol died in car blast...

I looked at her and pointed towards suga and said...

"I told him cause I want that kim to know that one of his man is not anymore... "

I laughed like crazy and jisoo said...

Jisoo : boss who is our next target???

"His bestie that Nam..."
They all nodded and jin said...

Jin : boss why did you call them by their surnames but not by their names?

I looked at him and said

"Cause I love to call my enemy's to call them by there surnames..."

I said and they all nodded and I said...

"You all can go goodnight..."

They all left and I also made my way towards my home...

Wait for the next part.

"You Are Mine... Only Mine" A Park Jimin Fan fiction (jimin X y/n) Where stories live. Discover now