4. 1/2. Meeting My Worst Nightmare

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Y/n's POV

I woke up and made my way towards bathroom...

I came back wearing towel around my body and wear my clothes and took my phone, purse and gone in kitchen...

I came in kitchen everyone was shock and jin oppa said.

Jin : OMG!!! Y/n how did you wake up early in morning???

I chuckle and said.

"Today is very special day for me and everyone..."
They all nodded and we all eat our breakfast...

We finished our breakfast jisoo unnie and moonbyul unnie was Washing dishes soon they finish and came in living room and I said.

"Let's go!"
Everyone nodded and we all left the house...

Time skip

We came in office and every one was their Mr.Park and his wife also but I didn't see anyone else with them...

Soon my dad came towards me and said.

Mr.Kim : y/n let's sign the contract...

I nodded and we signed the contract and everyone clapp their hands and Mrs.Park came towards me and said...

Mrs.Park : y/n hone- I mean Miss C.E.O congrats...
I pouted and said.

"Even if I'll be the president I'll be still your Y/n eomma.."
I said she smilled and said...

Mrs.Park : okay..y/n congrats..

"Thanks eomma."
I said and ask curiously

"eomma your son--i mean jimin didn't came?"
She again smilled and said...

Mrs. Park : He will come to party in evening.. Why are asking about him suddenly??
she said teasingly and I said.

"Ahh just asking.."
I said nervously and dad came and said...

Mr.Kim : Now I'm free to die...
I looked at him emotionally and said.

"No, you will die after my kids will have kids.."
I said hugging him and everyone laughed and Mr.Park said...

Mr.Park : y/n congrats...btw honey let's go he must be waiting for us.
He said and then Mrs.Park said...

Mrs.Park : yes...y/n honey take care let's meet in evening bye..
She said and I bow towards them and they left and my dad also...

Soon my brother and others came and I said.

"Whenever me and Mrs. Park are talking Mr.Park always came between and take Mrs.Park away!!!"

I said and everyone laughed and we did a group hug and hobi came running towards me and said...

J hope : sorry am I late??
I sigh and said.

"No you should have came directly on my wedding..."
I said everyone laughed and he said...

J hope : sorry...today's lunch is on me. He said and we left to our favourite restaurant for lunch...

Author's POV

You all came in restaurant and you and hoseok order your favourite food...and the couple's said....

All 4 : why this all food is chicken?????? Hoseok said.

J hope : cause today's y/n dreams come true so today we all will eat her favourite food...
He said and you hug him and said...

Y/n : thanks hobi...you are my best friend.... Btw why don't you invite your girlfriend in party??
He smiled and said.

J hope : okay..I'll bring her with me...
Soon you finished your lunch and you all came back to office you were going to enter in C.E.O's cabin but yoongi stopped you and said.

Suga : give me your hand...

You gave him your hand he kissed your hand then sign you to enter the cabin and you enter..

Your eyes were getting teary then you saw your family photo that was frame on the wall you said...

Y/n : I miss you mom...I also miss you...
Then jin said.

Jin : yahh stop getting emotional and do your work...

You nodded and they left the cabin and you started to do your work...

Wait for the next chapter

"You Are Mine... Only Mine" A Park Jimin Fan fiction (jimin X y/n) Where stories live. Discover now