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A few days later, I wake up earlier than usual to make my way to the palace. I was going to sneak my parents out and make a break for it.

I slowly made my way down the stairs but stopped in my tracks when I saw Damon sitting in the dining room, in the dark.

"Damon? What are you doing buddy?" I asked and sat beside him.

"Where's mommy and daddy?"

"Oh... I'm sorry Damon. But the Queen has mommy and daddy."

"What is she doing with them?"

"Well...she's going to put them somewhere for a little bit then...I don't know what will happen after that." I frowned. "That's why you and I are going on a little adventure!"

"Really! Where?"

"We're going to get mommy and daddy. But no one can know, okay?"


"Pinky promise?" I put my pinky in front of him and he grasped it with his own.

"Pinky promise. Let's go!" He exclaimed, excited. I picked him up and grabbed our coats.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Damon and I enter the back door of the palace after a couple of workers left it open. I quietly walk through the high class halls of the palace. I turn my back for a minute and I hear a voice.

"You must be Maeve Johansson. The Prince's childhood friend." I whip around and there's a six foot man in front of me.

If I say that I'm this friend of the prince, I'd get close enough to him to convince him to let my parents go.

"Yes, that's me. I'm Maeve. And you are?" I ask in an over the top Russian accent.

"I'm Louis Templeton. Although, I don't recall you, Ms. Johansson, having an accent."

"Oh! Right. I, Uh, I learnt the accent after I visited my extended family in Russia for a few years."

"Didn't you go to Europe for school?"

"Europe, Russia, same thing." I replied in my normal voice. "The accent comes and goes. It's like I can't control this thing!" I laughed nervously as Louis stood there, unamused. "Okay so shall we move on?"

"Yes, of course! I shall take you to the Prince's office."

We make our way into the Prince's office and Louis knocks on his door.

Prince Nicholas opens it and looks up at Louis.

"Louis! Perfect. Is this the new maid?" He asks, looking down at me while I scoff.

"No, sir. This is Maeve Johansson. Your childhood friend."

"Maeve? It's so great to see you again! How've you been?" Prince Nicholas asks, pulling me in for a hug.

I hug back, in a daze when I take a whiff of his cologne.

"And who's this? Maeve, did you have a child?" He asks in shock.

"What? No! This is....my cousin's brother's aunt's sister's son."

"So your brother?"

"Wow, you calculate that fast. Yes, my brother. This is Damon."

"Hello, Damon. Come in. Make yourselves at home."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"'Your Majesty?' Since when do you call me that? You've always called me Lassie. Remember? And I called you Mayonnaise."

"Right. Quite the relationship we had."

"Yes. Shall we go to lunch?"

"Yes, of course."

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Nicholas, Damon and I finished our lunch and a few hours later, it was time for me to take Damon to bed.

"How long will we be here, Devyn?" He asks as I lower him onto our bed.

"I don't know buddy. But I promise, everything is going to be fine." I smile and tuck him in. As I open the door I find Nicholas leaning against the door frame. "Oh, hey. What's up?"

"Do you want to walk with me?"

"Um, sure. Let me get my coat." After I pull on my coat and wrap my scarf around my neck, I join Nicholas outside.

"I remember you having brown hair." He broke the silence. My eyes widened as I instinctively grabbed my hair and laughed nervously.

"I dyed it."

"And you look different. Like really different."

"Plastic surgery." I'm not referring this to anything about Dove. She's awesome and...yea :)

"You seem to have all the answers, don't you?"

"Well, it's the right answers. It's the truth." I reason, lying through my teeth. I never lie, but it's the only way to get my parents back.

We walk for a while until we get back to the castle. He walks me to my room, where Damon is sleeping, and hugs me goodbye. I ignore the fluttering feeling I feel in the pit of my stomach and get changed for bed.

It's time to fool the prince.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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