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Hello guys,

Sorry for that one word message yesterday but I was so dispirited then that I didn't know what to say further. Well the thing is that the past few weeks were very terrible for my family with some of my close relatives and neighbors tested positive for covid 19 and one of my close friend's dad lost his life due to the same. And then my mom was under complete bed rest due to a severe low back pain for a couple of weeks. And it was in the last week that our lives almost came back on track and I thought I will update the draft of 'Love or Law', which I had written before all this happened, so that I can edit and publish it soon and opened wattpad. But what awaited me was an awful news, that my story 'Us Two and Them' got deleted from wattpad, which literally stunned me into silence for a long while. Because I had just formatted my laptop last week due to bad performance and I don't have the drafts for any of my stories anywhere else, other than the basic plot and character names which I had noted down in a book and that of course dampened all my spirits. But when my cousin with whom I discuss my stories got to know this consoled me saying I am still lucky that all of my stories haven't deleted and asked me to save at least the remaining ones to my mail or something so that I will not have to face a situation like this ever again. And I think she is right, so I am busy doing just that for now. But thought to write this note since many of you where asking me about my well-being and all that after that one word message. So guys please be patient for some more time so that I can save the remaining stories to somewhere else before I proceed with the updates so that I wouldn't have to worry about them getting deleted too. And I promise to make sure that the next updates will be worth your long wait.

And about 'Us Two and Them', my cousin says she thinks she have saved the rough drafts of it saved somewhere in her laptop since she often help me to proofread the stories, but can't search for it now due to her hectic work schedule. I just hope she will come with a positive response soon because I know for sure that I cannot recreate what I had written all those months ago. And if not, I will think about an alternative, by which I can give a happy ending for 'Nanda' and 'Narendran' of 'Mayamayooram', which I have always wished for from the time I had saw the movie all those years ago and will let you guys know. Till then please take care and stay safe.

And yeah happy friendship day guys.


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