Inosukes POV:
"Tanjiro why aren't you looking up at the starry night? It's beautiful." I say confused looking at Tanjiro's eyes facing everywhere other than the sky layered in stars.
I feel as tanjiro's hands cup my face, his thumbs on my lips. I f...
*BEEP BEEP* "HOLY FUCK JESUS CHRIST" "Ugh I hate that alarm" "INOSUKE NO CURSING!!". "...whatever, jeez this is annoying I hate school waking up early doing school work and just for a little praise. ugh whatever I'm just gonna get ready before she starts complaining."
getting up and getting ready was never a really easy task for me and when I say ever I mean ever. Cause kids at school are so annoying everyone just picks at everyone's flaws all the time as if theirs nothing wrong with themselves like their goddesses and or gods. It's stupid but in reality it's how people are to others and theirs not much you can do about it.
I find a sweater that's a little bit oversized with a pair of black jeans with holes I grab my shoes then walk down the stairs. "Going to school." Grabbing a bagel on the way out the door.
I grab my ear buds and start playing my playlist.
Hearing music in my ears also keeps me calm rather than lashing out at people all the time. I was told I have anger issues many times in my life, people just think "I'm this hostile boar hunting for it's prey" it's annoying "wait why is that tree shaped so weirdly how did I not notice that before" I say while giggling a bit. " I do like the color green quite a lot it's pretty especially like light greens their pret-
"HAYOOOOO" I hear someone practically yell. I jumped a bit what you can't blame me I was in my own world okay it startled me. "Jeez I have got to stop speaking to myself it's fuckin weird."
I look behind me to see who just yelled hayoo, oh it's just that kid the dudes called zenitsu, yells all the time also a perv but really most kids at our age are so it's whatever still gross but whatever.
No one's safe from his tactical flirting though, he came out as bisexual not to long ago. He literally flirts with everyone it's funny to watch though cause he's not aggressive he's just funny I heard him attempt to flirt before, he really said "do you like moving cause I like moving close to you." I still can't tell whether it was a good pick up line or not.
"Helloooo~~~ Tanjiroo~~"Zenitsu says in a girl voice which was terrible not to mention.
"Hello Zenitsu" Tanjiro says in his oh so very angelic voice as always just a soft voice that'll send you into orbit. "Wait why did I just describe his voice like that uhhhh I- uh oopsies." I say while giggling more or less between each word then justbursting into laughter.
Everyone was staring at me I don't blame them though, I was laughing by myself. Not Tanjiro though he was still speaking to Zenitsu wait why am I worried about what he's doing, the fuck am I speaking about him for, get out my mofo head weirdo. "Hmph"
anywho schools righ- :0 look at that pretty cloud it's kinda look like a horse with a long head "that's what she said." I- anyways looks like its about to jump over something. :0 cool. -7:15-First period-
I grab out my notebook and pen setting it atop of my desk opening a page in my notebook.
I don't really use it to take notes, I mostly use it to draw cause I have a short attention span so I don't really know what's going on in the class just at all-wait what class is this again oh it's math that's why I don't have notes
Maths absolutely suckss I'd Perfer to not have it at all. Cause I mean like whose actually gonna use it usefully in the "Real World" ugh. "An obnoxiously loud sound of a ruler hitting a desk I hear "Wake up, Now is not the time to me sleeping your college professors won't take this lightly I'm here to get you prepared for the nightmares to behold you once you leave to college." Wtf another speech about going to college quite unnecessary "Ms I wasn't sleeping I just had my head down I was thinking."
"Don't interrupt me ever again child" Ms says with an angered look towards me "Who put a stick up your ass?" Oops I didn't mean to say that aloud. "Excuse me?! How would you like a trip to the principals office for disrespecting a teacher?!" Ms says in a quite literally frantic yell. Bruhhh I hate math teachers.
Anywho skip an hour ahead of time onto the next class which will be Art class which is considerably one of favorite class because our art teacher is quite chill and I sit next to Tanjiro which is easy to talk to other than that other people in this school I am forced to go to which absolutely suckss. Onto my way to Art I bump into someone and like that stupid movie scene everyone knows. I fall I fucking fall someone TRIPPED ME "I-I- What is your problem you don't just trip people it's a hazard also wtf possessed you to trip me for no reason?!" "Shut up you stupid boar" some arrogant asshole says in an annoyed tone. Ugh fuckin people, I get up off of the ground and strat walking to Art but this time at a much faster pace than at first.
I make it to Art a minute later breathing heavily cause of how fast I was walking cause of that little interruption. I see where my table is cause I see Tanjiro sitting their in his angelic posture, I have got to stop just giving this man compliments not like it's a bad thing though *I smirk a bit just enough so my sharpest tooth on the left shows*. I walk over to Tanjiro to sit down but then still breathing heavily me and him make ✨ sensual ✨ eye contact I swear to god I almost had a stroke I started breathing even more heavily but I tried to ignore it (big mistake) " Hey gonpachiro" I saw in a very flushed voice *I did not just mess up his name like this this is just disappointing oh lord.
"H-h-hey Inosuke" Tanjiro says with a clearly flustered face trying to cover it with his hands but completely failed it was quite literally adorable
_________________ Authors note Aight I know I literally have no pace with writing this sorry, anywhooo I'd like to thank the people who have read this honestly I would've never thought anyone would read I just started this at 1:am one night. Also next chapter is gonna be spicy my friend suggested this blame him he said "The Art room is where things get dirty" A famous quote well besides that I'll try to get that next chapter out soon enough sorry to all of you who's had to wait :) Also I might add emojis in this for face expression to make it more picture able. 😖You're serotonin 😖
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