Chapter 1

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Hello everyone.

Sorry its taken so long for me to upload.

Hope you like this chappy!!

:) Enjoy !


Chapter 1

"Abi, hurry up or you're going to be late". My mum shouted up the stairs. Today was my first day back at school after spending four months in and out of hospital.

I ran down the stairs, grabbed my bag and jumped into my mum's car. The journey was quite but mum knew what was going through my head. It was like my first day at this school after I moved here, not knowing what was going to happen, what has changed (if anything), whose dating who. I miss every from where I used to live but I've made new friends and they are kind and loving.

I got to school just in time for the bell to go. I got into my class room in D block and then I got attacked by all my friends. This made me smile, after not seeing them for so long.

"Abi you're here" shouted Lucy.

"OMG! Abi, how are you?" said Emily.

"We love you Abi".

And they just kept on shouting and hugging me for the next five minutes until Ms Hardy walked through the door and everyone hurried into their seats, and then there was silence in room. Finally I thought to myself. Rubbing my head trying to get rid on my now growing headache, and it wasn't going to get any better until I go home and sleep.

"Morning class and welcome back Abi, also thank you for disturbing my wonderful class from their silent seats that they were meant to stay in". Ms Hardy bellowed at us.

I had a boring day with Math's first then English, P.E and Science last. Primary school sucked! Luckily it is our last year so we are going to secondary school next. But first I need to make it through this year in one piece as I don't want to spend any more time in that stinking hospital. The bad thing is that I now have to eat all the time, which sucks, and I have to do everything my nurse tells me to do otherwise ill end up dead, which I really don't want.

Finally the school day was over and I was back in my mum's car of to see Sam who is my boyfriend. We haven't seen much of each other as I have been in hospital a lot because of my diabetes.


"Hey" Sam said to me as I got out of the car.

"Hey" I replied shyly.

He took my hand and we walked slowly to the park across from his house. We sat on the bench in silence. I huddled up to him and he put his arm around me, Sam knew what was wrong with me being this ill and termally was really heartbreaking.

I started crying into his chest.

"Ssshhh. It's okay" Sam hushed.

"But I know it won't be any minute I could just fait and I could be dead" I sobbed.

"Hey! Don't think like that. It will be fine" He paused and said nothing for awhile then "I promise you will be fine". At that point I thought I would be but deep down I know I wasn't I was told by the doctor. I looked up at his pale blue eyes trying to see what he was thinking but his face was unreadable. His hand brushed over my face and wiped the tears falling down my cheek. He got up slowly and held out his hand. I took it and got up.

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