Chapter 3

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Their families had settled in Union almost two years before. Enough time for all of them to get aquatinted and become friends. They had had a lot of good times together. Made memories that they would all hold onto dearly later on in life.

Sarah and Hannah had gotten closer than any of them, it seemed. All of them thought it was a bit strange. It was like the lion and the lamb from that one Bible verse becoming friends. Hannah, of course, was the lamb, with her shy manner and gentle presence. Meanwhile, Sarah was like the lion; bold, courageous, and strong-willed. You would think that this pairing wouldn't work, but the lion and the lamb completed each other in a way in a way that neither of them knew they needed.

Then a few months ago, Hannah's mother had started making her see less of her friends. Along with giving her more chores, she also made her read the Bible more. The young girl would sit at the kitchen table, an hour in the morning and another at night, and pour over the small text.

Grace Miller would do anything to pry her daughter's mind from sinful thoughts. Because she wasn't just afraid of the whole group of teenagers as much as she was of one girl. That girl was George Fier's daughter.

She was afraid of the mischievous look the girl always had about her. Afraid of how Hannah would come home giddy and lightly blushing after she had been out running around with Sarah. But most of all, she was afraid of the looks they gave each other. The wickedly flirtatious way that the Fier girl's eyes looked upon her daughter. And how Hannah would always return the glances.

Those same looks are now shared over a blazing fire in the woods. Far from anyone who would care to judge them. Here, amongst their friends, they can finally be themselves.

The warm apple jack in their stomach makes them feel good. It makes them forget how much trouble they would be in if they were caught. And it makes Hannah bolder than normal.

" Come on." she whispers into Sarah's ear, making goosebumps delightfully stand up on her on neck.

Hannah takes Sarah's hand in hers and discreetly leads her away into the woods. Their friends are too drunk to notice them sneaking away.

" Where are we going?" Sarah giggles as they run hand-in-hand together through the woods. Leaves crunch under their feet and mix with the sound of the wind rushing past them. Hannah's laugh joins in, and to Sarah it all sounds like music.

By the time they reach their destination, they are both tired, but laughing just the same. Hannah grabs onto Sarah and holds her tight as they both try to catch their breath. Then the girls collapse against a big rock sitting in the middle of the woods.

" Did you know that this was here?" Sarah asks with an eyebrow raised.

" Maybe," Hannah tells her with a smile that makes the other girl weaker in the knees than she already is.

Hannah closes her eyes and lays back against the rock. There are a few spots of moonlight coming down through the treeline, and one of them shines directly down on her. Sarah's breath is once more taken from her as she looks at the girl beside her.

" I could look at her forever and never grow weary." she thinks to herself.

Hannah turns back over to face her, and for a moment they don't say anything at all to each other. Sarah's eyes wander down to her lips, wondering what they would feel like against hers.

The blonde girl notices this and draws closer until their faces are only a few inches from each other. Her hand reaches out to stroke the wild brown curls that circle around Sarah's face.

" I've missed you," Hannah tells her in a sober tone, despite having drunk her fair share of apple jack earlier.

" Surely not." Sarah teases with a smirk and this time it is Hannah who blushes.

" More than you know."

There is a small pause, but then Hannah knows she cannot wait any longer. She leans over and kisses Sarah's rough cheek. Once she pulls back, her pale blue eyes meet the dark brown ones to make sure it is okay. And upon seeing that they are filled with as much eagerness as hers, she goes back in.

She makes a trail down Sarah's jawline and finds her way to her neck. Her kisses are slow, like she's not in that big of a hurry. Before her lips can find their way back up, though, Sarah puts her hands on Hannah's hips and pushes her up against the rock.

It's Sarah's turn now. Her kisses are fast but just as passionate, and she plants them all over Hannah's neck. She hears the other girl's breathing get heavier and she knows she's doing something right.

Then she cups Hannah's cheek in her hand. They face each other for a moment, both of them more than ready to continue. The smell of apple jack still lingers on their breath, sweet and warm, just like their kisses.

Sarah leans in and slowly brushes her lips against Hannah's. Not quite making them meet, as if she's holding back.

" Please..." Hannah begs and she can feel her mouth move against hers.

But before they can properly kiss...

" Sarah! Hannah! We need to go! Now!!"


A/N: this is the first time I've ever written a scene like this, so I'm sorry if it's poorly done😭

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