B) Let's jump

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"Can you stand up?" I check up on Zev. I knelt down next to my friend, having made my choice.

I was not about to leave him to die after all of the crap we had to go through. Call me selfish or egotistical for choosing my best friend over the antidote.

Even if this choice is going to bear down on my conscience from now on.

" Yep. Just give me a moment," Zev answered my inquiry, poppin' the P. The pastel hair of his moved with him as he got up from the ground. Supporting himself with the wall, Zev stood in front of me using one leg.

I offered my right shoulder to him so we can get away from the danger below us. Zev wrapped his burned left arm around my shoulders, barely putting any weight on me.

A rough current of wind swept through us as Nemesis growled loudly at Jill. She stood in the middle of the vast space, looking like an ant compared to the mutated beast. The situation was turning more dangerous by the second.

"Lean on me. We need to hurry out off here," I looked Zev straight to his unbandaged green eye. He wavered before leaning on me. His arm pressed down on my shoulders, making me cringe.

I grunted before taking two small steps. It was definitely not easy moving with extra weight on you. Not to mention Zev's condition, how hard it was on him.

Little by little, we hopped forward like a soldier on a chessboard. Sweat glistened on my forehead from the weight training. By the time we reached a hall behind the first automatic door, we both were worn out.

I helped Zev down on the metal grid floor to take the weight off his leg. I leaned on my knees, not wanting to sit down just yet. We both took in heavy breaths as we stared at each other in silence.

Suddenly a smile crept its way on my face before I burst out laughing. Zev joined me, and we both laughed for a good minute. Nothing but the sound of joy ringing in the hall. " What was that for?" Zev asked me as I hid my smile behind my hand.

" I don't know. Just happy to be alive right now. " I swatted my hand, trying to dismiss the matter. I craned my back to stand up straight.

" I don't believe you," Zev said sceptically. He clutched his leg out of a sudden wave of pain. My hoodie that was tied around the injury had started to change colour to a more reddish shade. To say I worried for him was an understatement.

"OK, genius. I laughed because you looked dumb just now," I jabbed at Zev playfully, trying to divert his attention from the hurt. I showed my tongue at him. In turn, Zev jabbed at me. " Same words to you," He pretended to be outraged before laughing again. I chuckled with him.

As we rested in the middle of the dark hall, footsteps carried towards us. The automatic white door slid open at the entry of another person. The two of us snapped our heads to the left, only to sigh in relief. "Carlos, You scared us!" I call at him, standing at the end of the hall.

"Y/N!" Carlos jogged to me, gun in hand, pulling me to an embrace. He pulled my head to his chest. His palm softly pressed at the back of my head. "I'm so glad you're alright. I feared the worst after hearing Nicholai took you," Carlos whispers to my ear. His warm breath hits my neck, making the hairs stand up.

The embrace took me by surprise, and I still didn't know how to act. I slowly hugged Carlos back with one arm, relaxing in his presence. "Yeah, I'm as fine as I can be in a zombie epidemic," I answer him. "Are you alright?" I ask him in turn. My voice was muffled due to the fact I was pressed against him.

"Yup. Nothing your best teammate can't handle, 'lady lost their way'," Carlos chatted, bringing up the nickname he gave me. It made me grin for the third time today.

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