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( real life ! )
Harlow's POV

I woke up as pain went through my body. "Ah, you're awake" The doctor said. "I feel numb" I mumbled. "You just got out for surgery, give it a few hours" He replied.

"The crash was that bad?" I asked. "Yeah it was, very big impact. If they didn't get to you earlier it could have been more serious" He told me.

"Does my parents know I'm okay?" I said. "They've been calling here like every like 30 minutes. You want to talk to them?" He told me as I nodded.

He left the room and then came back with my phone. "I leave you in peace for a bit" He added and left the room. I called my mother's number and she instantly answered the phone.

"Hey mum, I'm okay" I mumbled. "Oh thank god, you scared us so much darling!" Shannon said. "We are so glad you're okay Harl!" Callum added.

"How are you feeling?" Shannon asked. "I can only feel my hands, everything else is numb. It is expected as just got out of surgery" Harlow told them.

"Go and get some rest, we will talk later" Callum said. "Okay, I love you both" Harlow whispered. "We love you too Harl" They replied before ending the call.

I went on social media and saw the hashtag #PrayforHarlow was tending on Twitter and going around all the other social media's.

"How did I survive that?" I mumbled.


A few hours later I heard a knock on my door. I  smiled as I saw Lando, Lewis, Max, Charles, Alex and George walked in. "Hey" I mumbled but with a smile on my face.

"Baby, you scared me so much" Lando said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. The other four hugged me then sat down on the chairs.

"You did scare us" Lewis added. "We are just glad you're okay" Max said. "That's the main thing, that you're okay" George added. "I'm feeling better now, wasn't too great after my surgery" I said.

"What surgery did you have?" Alex asked. "On my knee, that was the only damage in the crash" I told them. "That's actually not that bad, considering how bad it looked" Max said.

"Yeah I know, the doctor did say it could of been more serious if the medics were any later.." I mumbled. "We are just happy you're okay" Charles said as I smiled.

"Have they said how long you're going to be out for?" Lando asked. "I think they said about a month so like 4 races minimum" I told them.

"I'm going to miss my teammate!" Max said as I giggled. "I'll be back in no time!" I said. They all stayed for awhile until visiting times were over.

As they all started to leave, it was only me and Lando left in the room. "Lan?" I mumbled. "Yeah, love?" Lando asked. "I'm sorry for scaring you, I promise you I'm okay" I told him.

"Don't apologise, it wasn't your fault it was that dickhead's fault. I love you, speak to you later" Lando said. "I love you too," I said as we kissed.

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