beginning of a long journey

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     "You know your the most prettiest girl I ever knew, right?"Jamal said. I blushed as I tried to keep my composure without making a fool out of myself.
      "I'm not lying you just don't know how many times I wanted to come talk to you..."He smiled. That smile made me weak and I felt like I couldn't breathe because of his pearly white teeth and the way his dimples; it just so happened to be perfect. In fact this moment was perfect. The moonlight shining on the  shores and how the waves would crash unto them making a steady beat.
       "It's getting cooler do you want my jacket."He asked looking concerned. I nodded as he put it on my back. I could smell the fresh cologne that he would always wear.
        "Isn't it beautiful out here?" he asked while looking at the moon then he turned to face me.
        "Just like you,"he commented. I smiled as he looked at my lips. What was wrong with them? Were they chapped? Then he pulled my chin to bring me closer to him. I started sweating instantly.
       "It's okay you can trust me.", he reassured. Then I looked into his eyes, his caramel eyes, and prepared for the moment I've been waiting for. Then he
      The alarm went off and as I tried to close it and go back to sleep I realized I had to get ready for school. I gathered my things to go get ready still thinking about that dream I had. Forget it Kiyara it will never happen, I thought. Maybe I was right. After I was done I went downstairs to catch my breakfast.
     "Good morning Kiyara." my mom said.
      "Good morning."I whispered.
     I grabbed an apple as I made my way to the door,
      "Have a nice day honey."she added.
      I walked to my bus stop hoping no one was there to talk to me. I live on 732 Maplewood Drive (not real address) where all the types of cliques live. I just wanted to go to my school and go straight to my friends. 2 minutes later the bus came and everyone pushed and shoved to get the back seat while all I tried to do was get a seat so no one will talk to me. After a while we reached the school and I paced to the schoolyard not looking at anybody but also trying to find my friends.
       "Yara!", Nancy and Claire said.
       "Hey." I said back. They began telling me all about their weekend and the new D.T or daily talk.
       "So tell me about your weekend." asked Claire.
      "Um it was...."I was interrupted by the school bell.
      "Come on we're going to be late" Nancy yelled as she pushed her way through the crowd. We were going to Mrs. Tay's class. Once we made it I quickly sat in my usual spot avoiding eye contact.
     "Now today we are going to learn about polynomials" she said enthusiastically.
     After about 10 minutes of instruction she asked who would like to work out the problems on the board. You already know that Bailey and Davis were the first ones to raise their hands.
       "How about...... Kiyara?" she said. My heart nearly dropped I felt all the students eyeswere on me waiting to go up there and write the answers.
      "M-mmee" I stuttered.
      "Yes" she said.
      "You already know she's going to freeze up there I don't know why you insist!" Jackie said. I truly hated her she always would say something to make me mad,but I went to the board anyway. I picked up the chalk and begun writing but it took me a while. It's not like I didn't know the answer, it's the people that get me nervous. I would often hear whispers about me which made me even more nervous. I struggled to write the variable. Then that's when the chalk broke.
      "See I told you she couldn't do it!" Jamie said. "She's just dumb."
       "Shut up Jamie, you should be the last one talking.",Nancy said trying to defend me.
      "Enough, now everyone write the first 15 problems on page 284." Mrs Tay said while the class groaned. I went back to my seat feeling hopeless. I started on the work till I felt someone touch my desk. It was a note from Mrs. Tay saying ,See me after class, Kiyara. I was on problem 9 when the bell rung but I remembered I had to stay to see Mrs Tay. I told  Nancy and Claire that I would catch up with them.
      "Mrs. James, I know your shy and all but It doesn't give you an excuse to not want to write the problems on the board. Don't worry about the others just focus on you and the answer. Don't let them get to you."She said.
     "Okay." I simply said then walked out the classroom. Next was science. That was the only class I had with Jamal. I walked in and tried not to cause too much attention. As I tried to reach my desk I accidentally bumped into Nicky.
       "Excuse me, next time you better watch where you're going." She yelled which cause the whole class to look.
       "I'm sss-s-sorry." I stuttered.
        "I'm sss-s-sorry,what a pathetic thing you are!" She said. As she said that everyone laughed and I now ran to my seat. I felt like I was going to cry. When I looked up I saw Nicky flirting with Jamal. This instantly made me mad. I wish that could be me. I wish I could just go up to him and talk to him. I thought.
        The late bell rung and that's when Mr. Glen walked in to start the class.
       "Now, who can remember the three boundaries that can happen to the crust." he said. After that I didn't listen to another word he said. I already knew what he was talking about. I took notes on the power point while eyeing Nicky down. As you can see that is one of Jamie's friend. They are the "popular squad" called JNC along with Chanele who is in my gym which is in my next class. After the bell rung I made my way to the gym. I made my way to the lockers to get dressed.
      "Ewww look everyone. Look how skinny and unfit Cassie is." Chanele said talking about Cassie's weight. I felt bad as she busted into tears. The  JNC group is known to make people feel like they are inferior. When I was done I quickly walked out and waited to play dodgeball which I hate...
      After that I went to lunch, ELA, and social studies which ended up like the rest of my classes, me being shy and not participating in class and only talking to my best friends and others that I talk to. After what seemed like years the school bell rang indicating that it was time to go back home. When I reached home I walked in to see my older brother on the couch.
     "Hey Yara.", he said
     "Hey Lloyd." I said back hugging him.
     "How was school today?" He asked.
      "Terrible!"I said and began explaining everything that happened especially in Mrs. Tay's class. Me and Lloyd are close, I can open up to him and he understands me.
    "I wish I could act at school how I act with you because I can easily talk to you, Claire, Nancy, and a couple of others." I said.
    "It's okay one day it will happen."He said, "This will be the beginning of a hard journey that will be worth it afterwards."
    "Hopefully."I said.

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