The descovery

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He woke up in the hospital surrounded by the boys who all had worried looks on there faces. "What happed," Harry asked. "You were having chest pains than just suddenly passed out" Louis replied.

Harry hated the hospital he just wanted to be in his bed curled up under the blankets. The doctor walked in and said "we're Gonna have to run some test to see what's going on before you can leave so hang in there ok,".
"Ok," Harry breathed.

After being poked and prodded with needles. Harry was miserable and just wanted to go home. Most of the boys had left so now it was just Harry and Louis. "Lou I just want to go home I'm scared, tired, and hate it here," Harry said. "I know you do but the doctors need to find out what's wrong so we can go home knowing your ok," Louis replied "ok but can we stop and get donuts somewhere on our way back," Harry asked. "Of course," Louis replied.

After about 2 hours of waiting the doctor came in with the results. "So it's not good news," the doctor said. Harry's heart dropped to his knees and he was now panicking even more. "You seem to have a rare heart disease that causes you to pass out and for you to be in a whole lot of pain."
"It's making your organise fail and you have a low chance of survival," the doctor said. Harry was now in tears along side Louis who was trying to hold it in. "We'll is there anything you can do." Louis asked in a worried voice. "I'm afraid not," the doctor replied.

The drive home was quiet and the air was tense. No one was in the mood for donuts now so Louis just went home.

When They got inside harry was having a panic attack so Louis tried to calm him down but didn't know what to do. "I'm gonna die aren't I," harry said hyperventilating. "No,no haz please don't think like that," Louis said back. "but you heard the doctor, I have a low chance of survival lou, all my organs are shutting down," harry cried.

Harry was now sobbing into Louis chest and Louis didn't know what to do. So he just hugged him and tried to confort him telling him everything was Gonna be ok. The truth is he didn't know what was Gonna happen and he hated lying to Harry. They had only been in a relationship for almost a year and things are already going the wrong way. Louis was scared but he couldn't imagine what Harry was feeling right now. So they sat in the floor for around 30 minutes than Harry said "Lou I don't want to die I'm scared I'm really really scared." "I know you are haz, but I'm Gonna be right here with you through it all haz don't worry," Louis said.

Thank you for the happiest year of my life (Larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now