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Tommy tapped the table while he watched Tubbo cook, Ranboo wasn't allowed to cook or clean due to most everything having water and he has deffinately set something on fire before. He sighed and slowly got up "Tubbo? Y'know I can cook as well right?" The other looked back for a moment "Tommy, let me be the one to cook" he snorted "Why would I do that Tubs?" He hugged the other "I have to return the favor" Tommy sighed letting Tubbo go "Fine fine, just let me help every once and a while." Tubbo nodded as Tommy walked to the livingroom. Tubbo was the chaotic, he seemed like he would be sweet and innocent but honestly he was much worse when it came to dirty jokes and violence. "Rannnboooo" he whined leaning over the couch "Yes Tommy?" "Ranboo, Can we watch a movie after dinner?" He pleaded knowing he could force Ranboo into watching movies with him whenever.

Very short chapter due to no real inspiration to the chapter, I honestly don't know what to do rn but update.. I guess? I'm working on a new chapter currently which will be angst because I feel like it

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