Chapter 6, Part 2

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We walked in slowly. It was different from what we saw in the doorway. The room was filled with screens, they showed the areas the cameras were placed in. But, the one in Kunihiko's room was labeled as "Offline". We all exchanged a look.

Kaz smiled, "Guess we don't have to look in my room now,"
"...We need to have a trial." I stated.

We all silently agreed and made our way down to the trial room. We knocked on the big red doors. Monokuma walked out from behind us.

"What are you lot doing up so late? It's 4 in the morning!" He shouted at us.
"We're here for a trial," I stated.
"Huh? For what!" He barked at us.
"If we find out the Mastermind, we can leave right?" I asked.
He pondered the question, then nodded, "If you're all so sure of yourselves, I'll call a trial right now!"
I nodded as well, "We're sure,"
He smiled, then pressed a button, "Then let the trial begin! We must wait for the other two before we start!"

After a few minutes of waiting, Takahiro and Kunihiko showed up. Monokuma basically pushed us into the trial room. We located our podiums and stood facing each other, for the final time.

"You may begin your Mastermind trial!" Monokuma stated and pressed a buzzer.

There was a 1 hour timer. We had an hour to do this.

I cleared my throat, "So, Kunihiko, do you remember your Ultimate yet?"
She shook her head, "No, I checked my room as well, there was nothing!" She stated.
"And when did you check your room?" I asked.
"Hmm, it was about 10pm. Why do you ask?" She asked.
I pointed at her, "So you would know your Ultimate, right?"
"Maybe, maybe not," She smiled.
"Kunihiko, this is no time to joke," Koki stated.
"I guess you're right, I shouldn't be joking," She shrugged.
"Listen, Mamoru," Koki looked at me, "Don't you think this is a bit obvious that it's her?"
"Yeah, but why else would her room be like that, and her doorknob," I wondered.
"Isn't there someone else that seems suspicious?" Koki said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Kaz." He replied.
"...WHY THE FUCK IS IT ALWAYS ME?!" She shouted.
Koki pushed up his glasses, "You said you have been everywhere in this building, right? How do you know it was everywhere?"
"Because there was nowhere I haven't been?" She shrugged.
Koki sighed, "You also easily opened the door, well, easier that Mamoru did, to Kunihiko's room,"
"That was not easy, you asshole, I just have a high pain tolerance," She replied.
"What other evidence do you have that it could be her?" I asked, "If there is any,"
"Why didn't you want us to go into your room? Are you hiding something from us?" He asked her.
"Because it's my stuff, and I haven't been in there myself," She stated.
"That's right, she didn't go up with us when it was unlocked, and there was no time in between," I stated.
"What about from 9pm to 2am?" Koki asked.
"She was with me," Shin stated.
"So that brings us back to Kunihiko," I said.
"I promise I'm not the mastermind, and I never break a promise!" She smiled.
"You broke your promise to Yokichi," I stated.

It was silent for a bit, then she looked at me, she was slightly set off by that.

" you mean..?" She asked.
"Didn't you say you wanted to get out together or whatever? Doesn't that make it a promise? And now he's dead because of something you did, right?" I asked.
"How is it something I did?!" She slightly raised her voice.
"If you hadn't run off, he would've stayed with you, right? And if you didn't say anything to Kaz, you wouldn't have run off," I explained.
"Doesn't it also make it KAZ'S fault?!" She pointed at her.
"HOW THE HELL DOES IT MAKE IT MY FAULT?!" Kaz shouted at Kunihiko.
"YOU started it!" Kunihiko shouted back.
"We're getting off track," Koki raised his voice.
I nodded, "He's right, now, Kunihiko, you should've known Kaz is always obnoxious like that,"
"...It's true, but HEY." Kaz crossed her arms.
"You instigated her, and for what? Was it your plan for Yokichi to die? And because you made such a bond with him, you didn't want to do it yourself, or see it, so you ran off,"
She stared at me, "If I wanted anyone gone, it would be you."
"...Huh..?" I was taken aback.

Everyone went silent. I looked at her.

"What does that mean?" I asked.
"You were supposed to die in the first chapter, it was supposed to be you, not Asa. She was dumb enough to ruin it all for everyone, she was supposed to kill YOU. Then I tried to go after you again, and Zenshiro had to ruin that. Actually, the both of them ruined it. All three of them. You are supposed to be DEAD. I tried again, and the dumbass Daisuke got in the way, of course, so then I gave up, and HERE WE ARE!" She ranted.
" are the mastermind...?" I asked.
"...I do admit, I am. As much as you're supposed to be gone," She stated, "Three of you should be gone,"
"Huh?!" I exclaimed.
"Mamoru, Kaz, and Koki. None of you should be here," She said.
"HUH?! WHY?!" Kaz leaned over her podium.
"You know why you shouldn't be here, you and Zenshiro should have been punished for killing Seiko. Just because he got the final blow doesn't mean he was the only guilty one, you were in on it, you should've been PUNISHED. YOUR CORPSE SHOULD BE ROTTING WITH HIS." Kunihiko shouted, "And Koki. You know that Shichiro only went because of you, and you did see it happen. You helped him, in fact. It wasn't completely a suicide. You were there. You didn't stop him, you gave him the open opportunity. But, by Monokuma's shitty rules, you received NO PUNISHMENT."
"...Kunihiko, you should be dead as well, don't you think..?" Shin stated.

She went silent. The whole room did. Then she laughed.

"You can't kill what's already dead." She stated.
"What?" I looked at her.
"I don't exist, none of this does, I'm the Ultimate Glitch. I'm a bug in the matrix," She laughed.
"What does that mean?" Koki asked.
"You're not actually here, it was all false, I wanted to see how far I could push test subjects, even to the brink of insanity," She shrugged, "I succeeded, in a way,"
"So, is there actually a way out of here?" I asked.
She nodded.

"You have to die."

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