The note to the N.E.E.T.

922 35 3

~Urushihara's pov~
I don't like the way Ashiya has been looking at y/n lately... I just know I'm gonna hate this in the end... WHAT IF HE MAKES ME GET A JOB?!?! I'm a n.e.e.t. I'm not allowed to leave home. Sigh..

I am cut out of my train of thought by Ashiya opening the door, looking as if he has an evil plan.
Oh fuck.

"What are you planning..?" I ask nervously. His smirk slightly drops "You'll see"
Timeskip- Next morning

I wake up on the floor. I roll to grab my computer. Shooting up in panic as my hand touching nothing, Frantically I look around. Where the fuck is my stuff?!?! After about five minutes I notice my stuff is the only stuff gone and Maou & Ashiya already left the house. I groan out while I stretch.
Maybe after some food I'll find my stuff...

I decide on pocky as usual. In routine i reach to the spot only to grasp paper. I return my hand to my body and stared at a small piece of paper. A note. What could this be...?
Hey Urushihara,
Knowing you, you would of grabbed for some pocky. -um creepy- Which by the way added to our budget costing us precious money -Ashiya...- But Maou and I have decided that you should move out -WHAT THE F- With Y/N. -Oh Demon, they aren't serious!- Y/n has agreed to allow you a test. You can live there for two months, If she kicks you out... you are alone. Love, Ashiya
I'll fucking kill him

I shrug and go to y/n's

A/n hey sorry. School has been in the way but, during march break i shall try to write more

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