The Search For Mommy Continues

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Derek was not looking forward to this. He had vowed never to talk to the person who stomped on his heart. He didn't even want to think about the person who toyed with his emotions. But here he was, walking into their work place. He sighed and walked through the doors of the over-priced boutique. "May I speak with your manager?" He asked as he got to the counter.

Derek fingers drummed a beat out on the counter as he waited. Paige was her stroller, fast asleep. The stroller was just one of the many things the boys had bought for Paige the other day. It's now day three since Paige came into their lives. Derek was skeptical about keeping her, but he was starting to doubt his decision to give her back. KThe mother was even less suited to take care of a child then he was.

The sound of footsteps filled the air. They weren't heavy footsteps, but they were loud. The clacking sound brought Derek back to his senses. He lifted his head and his eyes were immediately met with a smirk.

"So you came crawling back. I always knew you would. You just couldn't keep away. It's okay. If I were you I would too. But I can't just take you back. I'll need something in return. I want you to get on your knees and beg. Beg me to take you back."

"I'm not here for that?" Derek grimaced. That was the last thought on his mind.

"Then why are you bothering me?"

Derek gestured towards the sleeping baby in the stroller. Paige was softly snoring. Her head was lolled to the side, making her face scrunch up.

"I don't do babysitting."

"Kate just stop. I know she's yours." Derek growled. Kate laughed.

"As if I'd ruin my body for some snot nosed brat." She crossed her arms. Derek scoffed.

"Whatever." Derek said with a wave of his hand and he walked out the door he had come from. In a way, he was glad that Kate wasn't the mom. But that left him to wonder, was Braedon lying? Or was there something missing.

"Wait, aren't we going to talk about getting back together?" Kate called after him.

Paige had woken up when they got home. Just long enough for Derek to feed her and give her a bath. As Derek held her in his arms, he felt a tinge of pride. He had made this beautiful baby girl, with the soft brown curls. Paige stirred in her sleep. Her eyes opened and she stared sleepily at Derek. As Derek gazed into her eyes, he realized something. There was something hauntingly familiar about those piercing brown eyes. And Derek rembered something he had forgotten about. It was only now that he realized who Paige's mom really was.

Notes: Oh my gosh, this is so short. I'm so sorry. I'm sick and I just wanted to get something up for you. Sorry!

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