laurier x reader fluff

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Y/n and Laurier were walking home from the grocery store after they went to get groceries (i mean what else do you do at a grocery store)

They where having a normal conversation until y/n asked "why do you act so weird when someone mentions a dessert?”
”umm no reason its a thing catboys have, they have a specific item or food where they act different around.” he explained (idk how to explain it)

”So you do like desserts?” y/n asked "yea i guess" he said shyly
After for about 10 minutes they finally got to they’re house.

After they went inside laurier secretly took something out of the plastic bag, without y/n noticing it he quickly went to his own room.

Y/n quickly noticed he was gone and got a litle mad since he didn’t help put the groceries away but they only went to look for him after they put the groceries away.

They went to check in her room since he was in there most of the time but he wasn’t there. So they asked fennel where he was since he was the one closest to them. ”He’s probably sleeping in your room” he said, but y/n responded with ”i already checked there”
"maybe he’s in the living room" fennel questionably said.
”Thank you, I'll look there” y/n thanked him.

Y/n walked to the living room to find that laurier wasn’t there either ”c’mon y/n think where could a catboy be that sleeps al the time” they said to themself..... ”ofcource the bedroom, i’m so stupid....”

They walked to his bedroom. When they where at the door they went to knock on it but the door opened right before they could

When they entered the room they saw Laurier right infront of them and in the background they saw a wrapper from a cupcake

Laurier then quickly said ” hi, come inside” with a cheerful voice
Y/n was chocked at the sight and hesitantly walked in
While they where walking into the room they saw 3 more cupcakes laying on his bed

”Want one?” he asked still with that childish voice (it got me simping tho)

Stil shocked they couln’t anwser for a second after realising that they weren't talking they said ”sure, if you don’t mind” (for all the people who don’t like cupecakes.. fuck you jk just imagine your favorite desert)

Y/n still in disbelief of his childishness (is that a word?)
Took the cupcake and bit in it ”does it taste good?” he asked
”Yea it does” y/n says, he giggles softly which made y/n blush a little. Come sit next to me he said.

y/n had a bad feeling about sitting there but they did anyway
Y/n finished eating their cupcake while talking to laurier

As y/n put the wrapper aside laurier randomly hugs them.
They where shocked but accepted the hug and hugged him back.
They where blushing a lot when laurier suddenly pushed her down and cuddles her (Y/n.exeStoppedWorking) y/n was super suprised and didn’t say anything for a full minute

Laurier quickly asked if he could kiss them she slightly nodded Laurier kissed her on the lips for 3 seconds

The rest of the night they cuddled till they fell asleep


The end

This is my first fanfic ever i am kinda proud of this so don’t bring me down k
I honestly am proud not trynna be too pridefull i’m not Lucifer from Obey me ya know
It midnight i spend 2 hours on this crap ._.
Help i am not mentally stable
Anyway you can comment requests if you want to
I’m sorry if i replaced they/them pronouns by she/her for a few its an accident i swear i’m trying

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